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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2004

Even though the doctor knew about the incident and thought Vicky was the one to blame, he still felt helpless not knowing exactly what to do.

"Miss Ruan, it seems that everything looks fine. I can honestly say you have completely recovered."

"Shut up! You can't be serious. There's no way, doctor. I don't agree. And honestly, how could you say such a thing?" She was panicking. She absolutely didn't want to leave the hospital. Because if she did, she knew Charles would definitely leave her or even worse tell her to go away. Thus, she would try every means, and she meant every means, necessary, to stay at the hospital.

It was a stalemate. Vicky kept making a noisy fuss in the ward while the doctor just couldn't do anything to stop her. Ultimately, he asked the nurse to call Charles.

"What are you doing?! You! Yes, you! Are you trying to run away like a coward after making this mistake?" Vicky brazenly yelled at the nurse when she saw she was leaving.

"Miss Ruan, I'm sorry if you are dissatisfied with us. However, if you could please remain calm, I am going to ask Mr. Charles to come. Then we can all have a civil discussion together. And then I hope we can come up with a solution you are happy with." The doctor and nurse were understandably fed up with dealing with Vicky. They absolutely wanted her gone and out of their care. Thus, they took this opportunity to make a big scene in the hope of forcing her out of their hospital.

"Fine. Then I will wait for Charles to come and defend me." Vicky glared triumphantly at the doctor, pretending to be calm and civil.

The nurse called David's number he had left for the hospital. David saw the call, and, afraid Vicky was causing trouble again, answered it immediately.

"Hello? Yes, this is David. Is everything okay? Did anything happen?" David was worried. He knew they wouldn't have called him if nothing serious had happened.

"Hi David, I'm a nurse from the hospital. I want to ask you if Mr. Lu can come to the hospital now." Although the nurse tried to speak as professionally as possible, David could hear hints of helplessness and desperation in her voice.

"What's the matter?" David looked at Charles beside him. His eyebrows were knitted together from stress.

Charles didn't know who was at the other end of the call. All he could see was David looking very serious. Thus, he guessed something very severe had happened.

The nurse heaved a sigh. She told David briefly about everything that had happened.

"Okay, I understand. Mr. Lu may be able to come. I'll talk to him, but I need you to keep her calm."

David ended the call and looked at Charles with a helpless expression.

"Okay, David, what did Vicky do now?" Charles had already guessed the call was about Vicky when he heard David say 'to keep her calm.' No one could make his assistant so embarrassed and ashamed except for her.

"As usual, she's found fault with the hospital staff for no apparent reason." Vicky had sworn at the nurse just because she entered the ward without getting her permission first. Obviously, she wanted to make a scene, so she could get Charles to come to the hospital to see her.

"Seriously, this woman has gone too far! I have managed to visit her once a day, every day. What else does she want me to do?" Charles asked exasperatedly.

Of course, Charles and David went to the hospital.

Seeing Charles, Vicky said innocently and softly, as if she was angel, "Charles, you..."

"Enough! I know everything. Vicky, just what exactly are you doing? It's just ridiculous." Charles was past his limit. He could not tolerate her anymore. With her ridiculous actions, she made him livid.

Vicky hadn't expected that Charles would say that at all. In her mind, she thought he came to the hospital so frequently because he loved her. She now realized that he was just putting her off.

"Charles, watch your attitude! I'm your wife. And now, as you can plainly see, I'm being bullied by them. And yet, you don't defend me, but instead, you are blaming me for everything!" Vicky retorted angrily. Tears were trickling down her cheeks without stopping.

Charles looked at Vicky indifferently. Repulsion could clearly be seen in his eyes.

"Vicky, what exactly do you want?" "If you don't want to stay at this hospital, I will find you another one. But, honest to God, from what I can see, you are almost recovered. Especially if you now have the energy to argue and yell at the nurse. So, there you go. Good for you," Charles bluntly and ironically replied back to Vicky.

David looked at Charles in bewilderment. He was surprised and shocked at how good Charles could be at sarcastically making his point. It was the first time David saw such a side to Charles.


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