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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2014

After half an hour or so, Sheryl and Isla came out together.

From afar, Charles caught sight of Sheryl's smiling face. This filled him with relief, and a warm smile appeared on his face as well.

David had noticed the sudden change in his boss' expression. He secretly prayed that Charles would be able to spend his life with Sheryl. After all, it was evident to him that Charles could only be happy when Sheryl was around.

Since Sheryl was standing very far from him, Charles had no way of knowing what she and Isla were talking about. However, the only thing that mattered to him was her happiness. And, even from this distance, he could tell she was fine.

"Let's go back to Dream Garden." Charles thought that he had to talk to Melissa. The last time their conversation had yielded no results. This time, however, he was determined to convince his mother. Otherwise, the consequences might be uncontrollable and unbearable.

On his way back home, Charles was engrossed in thought. He tried to think of a convincing way in which he could talk to Melissa.

Charles also knew that the only reason that Sheryl didn't question him regarding the matter was that she didn't want to talk to him anymore. If Melissa continued to act so capriciously, Sheryl might get seriously enraged.

"Mr. Lu, I don't think you should be this worried. Mrs. Lu did that because she wanted Ms. Xia to stay with you. I think Ms. Xia would also understand this point." Since Charles had kept his brows knitted in the car, David tried to console him.

"But Sheryl must be disappointed with me. Even my mom made an effort to restore this relationship. I am the only idiot who didn't take any active action. I guess she is deeply hurt now." This had been bothering Charles.

However, his lack of enthusiasm wasn't because he didn't care for Sheryl anymore. It was just that he wanted to get everything sorted before getting back to Sheryl. This time he didn't want to leave any room for problems. Otherwise, Sheryl and the kids would also be burdened by his own concerns.

"Mr. Lu, now that Vicky has been discharged from the hospital, we'll soon find out her secrets. Good days are ahead, so don't worry." David had a strong feeling that things would be sorted out soon.

"I hope so."

In the mansion in the suburb

Melissa parked the car outside. She sneaked into the main gate to find out who the woman was.

Through the French window, she saw a figure with beautiful curves walking in the main lobby.

Melissa drew even closer to get a clearer view of the woman. Suddenly, the woman turned around. It was none other than Vicky!

Melissa was struck by shock. 'Damn it! It's her!' Melissa roared inwardly.

Angered, Melissa pushed the door wide open.

"Vicky, what are you doing here?" Melissa spat, deeply annoyed by the woman.

Vicky was caught off-guard. She didn't imagine that Melissa would pop in here all of a sudden. Still startled, she gazed at Melissa.

Calming herself down, Vicky decided to find out what Melissa's intention was before she carried out any action.

"Aunt Melissa, what brought you here? Are you here just to see me?" Vicky replied in a polite manner, perfectly concealing her shock.


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