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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2017

Soon, Sheryl and Isla finally arrived at the apartment, tired from the long day that they had. Pulling the key from her bag, Sheryl twisted it in the doorknob before pushing the door open.

Shirley and Clark were already sitting on the couch, glancing at the door every minute, knowing that their mother would arrive soon. When they heard the door click, they ran to the two figures who had entered, jumping around them excitedly. "Mom, Aunt Isla," they yelled. "Can we go to the cinema tonight?"

"And where did this idea come from?" Sheryl raised an eyebrow, bending her knees to look her daughter in the eye, amused at the suggestion.

"Mom," Shirley whined. "My classmates said there's this new movie out and that it's great. I want to watch it too. Please, please, with cherries on top?" Shirley dangled Sheryl's arms, pouting.

Sheryl laughed, ruffling Shirley's hair, much to her daughter's protesting before turning to Isla. "Well? Want to come with us?" she offered.

"Sure! I can't remember the last time I went to the cinema." Isla shrugged.

Sheryl nodded before turning to her son. "And you, Clark?"

"As long as Shirley wants to." After a look at his sister's insisting face, he nodded in confirmation.

"Okay, then. We'll go after we finish dinner. Joan," Sheryl called, and the other woman appeared from the kitchen, wearing an apron as if she'd just started cooking. "Do you mind preparing our dinner a bit earlier? We'll be heading out tonight."

"Yes, Miss." Joan bowed her head in understanding before returning to the kitchen. After Sheryl and Isla had talked with the kids a bit more, Joan came back, signaling that she was already finished. Without another word, the two kids ran to the dining table with Sheryl and Isla following behind them.

Much to the adults' amusement, the kids were eating as if their lives depended on it, especially Shirley, who had finished her plate before all of them did. Happily, she munched on her last spoonful of rice, smiling up at them. "I'm done," she said, and Sheryl chuckled at the sight. "Let's go to the cinema!"

On the way, the kids were talking excitedly with Isla, butting in teasingly. At these times, Sheryl almost forgot what she was feeling. Almost. As they found their seats inside the theater, Sheryl couldn't help but see the couples snuggling together as they waited for the movie to start. She couldn't help but stare for a second, remembering the times she had spent with Charles. They were also like this once, snuggling together as they appreciated each other's warmth.

However, it wasn't the same as it once was.

"Sher, is something wrong?" Isla nudged Sheryl, knocking her out of her reverie.

"Ah, what?" She smiled sheepishly.

"You look distracted." Following Sheryl's gaze to the couple, Isla couldn't help but sigh. 'She must be thinking about Charles.'

"This film is for kids. It's hard for me to stay focused," Sheryl reasoned.

"Mom, Aunt Isla, shh!" Shirley couldn't help but turn to her noisy companions, putting a finger on her lips as she motioned the two of them to silence.

Sheryl and Isla exchanged apologetic looks and mouthed "sorry" to Shirley.

The film may have lasted for two hours, but it felt like it took an eternity. Isla had to stifle a yawn and sighed in relief when the show was nearing the end credits. If she had known this was for kids, Isla wouldn't have agreed to come.

On their way back, Isla dozed off, oblivious to the loud chatter that came from Shirley and Clark as they discussed the events that had transpired in the film.

"Mom, why is Aunt Isla so tired?" Clark asked, glancing at Isla, who was already softly snoring.

"She had a busy day. Let's try to not wake her up, okay?" Sheryl explained.

"Okay, Mom."

"So, Mom, at school today, I...." Clark and Shirley began telling Sheryl what happened in kindergarten. At times like these, Sheryl couldn't help but listen attentively, grasping the little details that they had mentioned and drawled out. A part of her remembered when they were still toddlers, playing with toy blocks, but now, they were already attending school. It always seemed that time had really flown by too quickly.

Soon, they arrived at their apartment.

Sheryl nudged Isla awake before taking the kids back to their bedroom. Isla, still a bit dazed, trudged back to their room, like a zombie at its wake.

After Sheryl had tucked the kids in, she lounged in her bedroom, before taking out her phone and logging into WeChat.

She clicked on Charles' homepage. Though it had been a long time since he had last updated, Sheryl couldn't help but check his page from time to time, a part of her hoping to get some updates. Deep down, she knew she still cared for him. However, she wanted, as much as possible, to bury that deep inside her, so that one day, she'd be able to convince herself to forget about him. But as she saw that couple tonight, she knew she was wrong to think so.

As she lay back on her bed, Sheryl tossed and turned, feeling her thoughts troubling her every minute. It was a restless night and one that Sheryl hated.


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