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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2038

"It was you, Charles! Why did you do that to me?" Mr. Xu was a smart man. He quickly realized that Charles had set him up.

As Charles approached him with a menacing look, Mr. Xu suddenly realized that something was wrong. When Charles spoke, it confirmed his rousing suspicion.

"I know you and my former secretary go way back. This project is quite big, so I was worried that you couldn't handle it alone. I thought maybe I could help with that. After giving it much thought, I've decided it's better if I handle this project, thus effectively replacing you," Charles said with an evil smile, leaving Mr. Xu speechless.

Mr. Xu didn't know what to do. This was the last thing he had expected. Charles was sneaky, and he didn't see it coming.

He had thought he beat Charles, and he couldn't believe that Charles was able to so quickly turn the tables on him. Now Charles was at the advantage while he was losing and being cornered.

"Charles, how did you..."

"Okay, let's put an end to this now. Mr. Xu, we're going to take it from here. I've booked your flight for you. Just go home," David interrupted.

Mr. Xu helplessly sighed as he conceded, saying, "Okay, Charles! You win!" Then Mr. Xu turned and left the hotel.

Charles knew this fight was not over. Even if he was able to handle Mr. Xu now, he knew that the company was probably going to send someone else. Charles wouldn't let his guard down until then.

Around half an hour after Mr. Xu had left, another representative arrived to negotiate with Charles.

The negotiations went well, but Charles was cautious throughout the entire process.

David knew he wasn't going to be of any help during the meeting, so he chose to wait outside the room.

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Sheryl stayed in her office with Phoebe. There was so much to do that they'd worked overtime again.

"Mrs. Xia, how long do you still have to continue to work tonight?" Phoebe asked, casting Sheryl a keen look.

Sheryl immediately read what was on her mind. She figured Phoebe must have a date with Sean tonight. Phoebe wanted to make sure that she wouldn't be late for the date.

"I'm almost done. You can leave now if you want. It's fine!" Sheryl smiled. She kept her eyes on the screen as she responded to Phoebe.

Phoebe couldn't be happier. Before she left, she wanted to make sure that Sheryl would be able to finish the remaining workload alone. While she didn't like being late for her date, she thought work was more important. She didn't want to delay anything due to her personal matters.

"Really, Mrs. Xia? Are you sure you don't need me?" Phoebe checked before she left.

"Go, don't worry! If you don't leave now, won't you be late for your date with Sean?" Sheryl teased.

Phoebe didn't expect Sheryl to know she had a date tonight. She thought Sheryl would be too focused on her work to care about anything else. She was pleasantly surprised that Sheryl had cared enough to pay attention to her. Sheryl purposely allowed her to leave for this reason.

Half an hour after Phoebe had left, Sheryl was able to finish the work. She quickly cleaned up her desk before leaving.

As she headed to her car in the parking lot, she kept herself busy on her phone. She was a workaholic like that. Even if she was done with her work for the day, she still liked keeping herself busy. There was always work to be done anyway.

She took her eyes off the phone as she fished for her car keys. As she unlocked her car door, she sensed something off. She urgently turned to look around. While no one was around the area, she still couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was following her.

Sheryl took a deep breath to calm herself down. She convinced herself that it was completely normal for women to be more alert, especially at night. As she opened her car door, she decided she was going to drive home as quickly as possible.

The instant she turned back, she saw a shadow behind her being reflected in the car window. She instantly felt scared, shivering in response. She was nervous as she didn't know what was going to happen. She cursed herself for not being careful enough.

Gathering her courage, she decided to turn and face the man. With a quick turn, she finally saw who it was.

She was amazed to find that it was no one else but Damian. He was holding a bouquet of flowers, grinning at her.

Sheryl was now both surprised and confused. She wasn't able to control herself, and she cried out loud. She hadn't expected this.


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