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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2049

Sheryl rushed to leave after she picked up her satchel and made up her mind, but she realized that she hadn't changed her clothes. She rummaged through the closet in the office lounge and managed to pull out the silky satin evening gown she wore last time to a party.

A quick once-over to check how she looked in the mirror, and then she went back to hurriedly stomping out.

'Fine, that was it!'

After the change of clothes and grabbing her handbag again, Sheryl rushed to the appointed restaurant.

She found Duke was already waiting for her when she hurriedly arrived at the restaurant. It looked like he had been waiting for a while.

"I'm so sorry that I'm late. There was something that I had to take care of..." Sheryl apologized as she quickly walked over to him.

"That is alright, President Xia. I just arrived. Please take a seat." Duke gestured to the seat across him and really didn't seem like he minded at all.

Sheryl felt a bit strange as she sat down, 'Where was Duke's assistant?'

It only took a quick glance for Duke to understand Sheryl's confusion, and he didn't miss a beat as he explained, "Danny met an old friend, so he won't be joining us this evening, President Xia. I hope you don't mind?"

There was a surprised pause before Sheryl said, "Not at all. Well, let's order something to eat."

"Oh. I already ordered," Duke replied abruptly.

Feeling a bit stunned, Sheryl stared at him because she didn't understand why he already ordered.

"You see...I saw many people here when I arrived, and I was thinking that you haven't eaten before coming here since it was immediately after work. I didn't want you to wait for a long time for the food, so I ordered food without waiting to consult your opinion, President Xia. I think the dishes are almost ready. How about we try it first? We'll order something else if you don't like it. What do you think?" Duke explained.

Sheryl was speechless as she thought, 'This guy is so thoughtful. He must be a good guy since he is taking such good care of me, even on our first dinner together.'

"Well...Thank you very much for your consideration, President Li." Sheryl could only express her thanks.

Duke shook his head immediately as he said, "You're welcome. Actually, I'm the one who should be thanking you. Thank you in advance for taking the time to show me around tomorrow. But since tomorrow is the weekend...I'm not sure if it would be convenient for you, President Xia. It is fine to reschedule if you have to be with your family. It doesn't have to be tomorrow."

Hearing those words made Sheryl like Duke a bit more because he was really considerate of others.

"President Li, I'll keep my word since I promised you. It might be a weekend, but my two kids will be under perfect care of their nanny. They'll be okay even if I'm not home with them," Sheryl explained to Duke.

"That is very nice. Well, what about your husband? Would he mind?" Duke casually added.

'Husband?' Sheryl's face turned ashen at the word but quickly recovered and deflected, "President Li, what are your hobbies? Please don't be offended. I just want to do my homework, so I'll have an idea about where to take you tomorrow."

Seeing that Sheryl had obviously changed the topic, Duke answered cooperatively, "I don't have any special hobbies, other than doing sports like hiking. I used to invite my friends to go hiking, or things like that, during the weekends if I'm not busy."

Sheryl didn't know how to continue the conversation after hearing his reply. How could she take him to hike around?

"Well, do you have any other hobbies aside from hiking?" Sheryl asked hesitantly, hoping to get more information.

Duke smiled as he replied, "Relax, I'm not a difficult guest. Well, Sher...Will it be okay with you if I call you Sher? I heard Alan call you Sher before, so..."

It was weird for Sheryl because Sher was her pet name that only her close friends and relatives used, so hearing it from Duke was strange.


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