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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2054

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to go back alone. Let me accompany you!" Damian almost rushed toward Sheryl and took her by the arm to support her. He was too anxious that she might get hurt.

Sheryl was feeling a little dizzy but still stayed conscious and sober. And in her silence, she stared into Damian's eyes. Her face wore an expression of confusion. Undoubtedly, she was slowly sinking into her thoughts.

With such a stare, Damian's heart started to beat faster, and his face became bashful. He was mesmerized as if cast in a spell. And from out of nowhere, a strong feeling of anxiety soon engulfed him.

"Well, okay. But you have to make a phone call to Isla for me!"

"Okay, I am calling now!" Damian felt so relieved to hear Sheryl agreed with his suggestion. As long as she didn't decline his request, he could be sure of what position he was in, in her heart. He felt so blissful thinking of the possible growth of intimacy between them.

Isla couldn't put her mind at rest after Sheryl hung up her call without any explanation. The concern she felt in her heart was already out of proportion as she wondered about her friend. Thus unable to handle the feeling alone, Isla intended to share this with her husband. But long before she could turn and bring up the subject to her husband, Aron had made a sudden move and already hugged her tightly.

"Tonight, you only belong to me... I need you to focus your full attention on what we are going to do! This is our private moment, so don't let anything else disturb it!" Aron whispered in her ear as he hugged Isla's waist then pinned her body under his full frame. He started to caress her while he ran his lips over Isla's pink cheeks.

In an instant, Isla felt a sudden surge of temperature all over her body. Her mind went into a daze, and she was lost in trying to organize her thoughts under Aron's intense touch.

Aron had long wanted to please Isla to compensate her. He felt remorseful about everything that had happened to her lately and that he had not even been around.

Panic crept up his spine, and cold sweat beaded over his forehead when he unexpectedly recalled the incident. Aron couldn't imagine how it would end up without Sheryl being there for Isla, and he was immensely thankful for that.

This time, Aron desired to make their physical intimacy more comfortable for Isla. He wanted her to enjoy its blissfulness. So as gentle as he could be, he moved his fingers over her body. Isla felt nearly aroused, as Aron could feel her breath went more and more rapid.

"No, Aron... Hold on for a moment!" Isla suddenly blurted out, gasping for breath. She struggled for a bit out of Aron's control and quickly sat up.

Rooted to the spot, Aron stared at Isla with a confused look. Her outright rejection frustrated him. Helpless, he decided to give Isla a moment. He calmly waited for an explanation.

"Hold on a minute. I need to talk to Sheryl. She got drunk, and I am not comfortable with that. I am going to call her and make sure she is safe!" Isla explained in one breath, looking apologetic while stretching out her hand to reach for her phone at the bedside table.

With a helpless shake of his head, Aron sighed in his heart, 'What has it taken for them to develop such a deep friendship?'

Based on his perception, the intimacy of a couple must be top of their priorities over anything else. But to Isla, it seemed that her friendship with Sheryl was an even stronger bond.

Isla adjusted and pulled herself from what she was doing with Aron just now before she dialed Sheryl's number.

But to her amazement, she had received an incoming call from an unknown number.

"Hello? Who are you?"

"It's me, Damian! Sheryl asked me to call you. She doesn't want you to worry about her. She is drunk now, but I will take her back home!" Damian spoke.

"You will take her back? Are you with her now?" Isla felt confused. She refused to believe the coincidence that Damian happened to hang out in the same bar. She feared that Damian might have some ulterior intention for her friend, and he had tailed her.

"Well, since I brought Sheryl here, I haven't been away from her. I had merely stayed in the entrance until she had enough fun and walked out of the bar. Rest assured! I will take care of her!"

"Oh, really? Well, take care of Sheryl! And stop your wild thoughts about her, even if you do have! If you dare to do something to hurt Sheryl, I won't spare you!" Isla teased, despite sounding rather serious.

"You can count on me! I promise I will do nothing but protect her!" Damian answered without a trace of hesitation.

Hanging up the phone, Isla felt bewildered. From what she had been told, it seemed that Sheryl had asked Damian to accompany her into the bar.

In fact, Isla hadn't taken Damian's action seriously. She thought that all the gifts and flowers he had sent to Sheryl were nothing but tricks that men often played in chasing girls they were interested in. It never occurred to her that Damian might truly love Sheryl.

"Isla, what's wrong?"


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