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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2089

Ferry remained lost in his thoughts as Rob continued updating him. "Moreover, Charles announced it in public to protect Sheryl. He made his best efforts to clarify the rumors about Sheryl dating her lover."

Ferry remained silent. His mind was occupied with some other thoughts at the moment.

Vicky had been staying with Charles for a long time. It was time to order her to do something now.

"Rob," Ferry said.

"Boss, I am here." Rob hurried to look at him.

Ferry let a sly smile take over his face, saying, "Did that woman do anything strange in recent days?"

"Nothing at all. She only stays at home. She does nothing but pester Charles," Rob honestly updated Ferry on the situation just as it was.

Ferry nodded, saying in a cold tone, "Tell her. She needs to do something to return our kindness."

Rob instantly knew what Ferry meant. Even he had grown impatient at putting up with the lull that had been persisting for quite some time now. He wanted to execute their plan of action much earlier than before.

"Boss, don't worry. I have come up with a perfect idea to punish Charles."

"Alright. I have full faith in you. Don't let me down." Ferry looked at Rob approvingly.

Ferry's words made Rob feel grateful. Wounded and behind bars, seeing his boss's situation made his heart heavy, and he could not hold back his tears.

"Boss, if I had not gone out to do those tasks and stayed with you on that day, you would not..." Rob choked before he could complete his words.

Ferry forced a cold smile, saying, "Don't say that again. I will make them pay for this."

"Boss, don't worry. I won't let them go easily. You... You also need to take care of yourself. I will take you out of here one day..."

"Take me out?" All of a sudden, Ferry let out a crooked and sarcastic smile and said, "In fact, I don't want to get out of prison. I want to stay here and punish myself. After all, I couldn't save my beloved at that time."

Rob felt heartbroken to see that Ferry had given up. He swore, "Boss, I promise to you. I will ask for a heavy repayment for what they have done to you. I will make them die like dogs."

"Alright. I will wait for the good news from you." Ferry nodded with a smile.

After making the promise, Rob walked out of the prison. The first thing he did as soon as he stepped out of the prison was to call Vicky.

In the villa

Vicky was lying peacefully on the bed overlooking the balcony after having a relaxing manicure. The view through the balcony was beautiful.

The moment she heard the phone ring, she sprang up enthusiastically, thinking that the call must be from Charles. She almost ran on her toes to receive the call and hear Charles' voice, but her face changed as soon as she saw the number of the incoming call.

To her dismay, it was Rob's number. She felt as if her heart stopped beating for a while. She remembered how evil he was!

Vicky held her phone with trembling hands, thinking of all the possible excuses she could use to refuse to answer the call. However, she couldn't find a single excuse for not answering.

The phone kept ringing. Her heart started beating faster, and a shiver spread through her body.

At last, Vicky made up her mind and tapped on the green icon on her phone to start the conversation and said, "Hello?"

"What are you up to? Are you not willing to answer my call?" Rob's voice thundered into her ears from the other side of the phone line.

The coldness in his voice ran a chill down Vicky's spine. Somehow, controlling her voice from trembling, Vicky tried to make her voice sound normal. She hurried to reply, "No, no. The phone was lying in the other room. As soon as I heard the call, I came over to answer the phone."

"Okay. Now, I need you to do something for me." Rob didn't have time to waste, so he came to the point straight away. He delivered his order in a cold tone.

"Okay. Tell me. What is it?" Vicky waited for the orders with bated breath. She knew how heinous Rob could be. She hated him from the bottom of her heart. But she didn't have the guts to protest against him when she faced him.

"Listen to me carefully..." Rob unfolded his plan to her slowly and explicitly so that it was easy for her to follow the instructions without fail. And then he added, "You must be careful. If anyone comes to know about it, be prepared to die a dog's death."

As the plan of action rolled out in front of Vicky, her face turned completely pale. Her heart trembled at the very thought of the possible outcome. She thought in her mind that only a person as malicious as Rob could come up with such a lethal plan. If Vicky executed this plan as per the instructions, she would not have the chance to get rid of them ever.

However, she could not think of a single way to escape this situation. What could she do?

Rob was waiting for Vicky's reply on the phone. He was growing impatient because of the long pause from the other side of the phone. "Do you understand?" he stormed as Vicky was still not answering.


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