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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2115

When they walked out of the ward, Sheryl looked back and gazed at her daughter on the bed. Suddenly, her gaze shifted and fell on Charles. She was going to tell him what she had in mind.

"Sher, why don't you go back to sleep tonight? I'll be here to look after her," Charles suggested, hoping Sheryl would take some rest.

As soon as he said this, Sheryl refused. "No, there is no need for you to take this trouble. I can take care of my daughter."

"How can you say such a thing to me? She is my daughter too! It is my responsibility to look after her. And you just got back from the hospital. You need some good rest," Charles insisted.

'Is he really not going to leave tonight?' Sheryl could not help but wonder.

She was at a loss of words, not knowing what to do next.

Just when she was in a dilemma, Charles's phone began to ring, bringing her out of this reverie.

Charles lowered his head and took out his cell phone. He merely glanced at the caller ID, but didn't answer it.

Sheryl watched him furrow his brows as if he had some troubles at hand.

According to Sheryl's understanding of Charles, this call must be from someone he didn't want to talk to.

'Who could it be?' she couldn't help but wonder.

Considering it was late at night, it seemed obvious that it wasn't work related. After racking her brain, Sheryl's mind came up with a plausible explanation.

Immediately, anger and frustration once again began to take up her heart. She was quite certain that this phone call must be from that woman!

'Oh, my gosh! She is so persistent. She dares to call him at this hour even when she knows he is at the hospital!'

Sheryl's face turned grim at this thought.

Just like Sheryl had guessed, the call was indeed from Vicky. Charles was still debating whether to pick up the call or ignore it. However, he didn't have to continue with this dilemma any longer. The phone suddenly stopped ringing.

Even then, Charles' mind wasn't at ease. From what he knew, Vicky was surely going to pull some ugly trick on him again. But he decided to ignore her, at least for now.

Forgetting about the phone call, Charles decided to handle the matter in front of him. He was about to speak in order to persuade Sheryl to take some rest. But unfortunately, his phone began to ring again, vibrating in his jean's pocket.

"Answer it, perhaps it is from someone important," Sheryl said in a sarcastic tone.

Charles hesitated for a moment and then walked a few steps away before he picked up the phone to answer it.

Sheryl's heart sank as she saw Charles' reaction.

As expected, Charles was overcome with a feeling of guilt, and it was evidently shown on his face. This confirmed her suspicion that this call could only be from that woman, Vicky!

Sheryl stared at Charles' back, wishing to burn a hole in his body with her eyes.

Charles answered the phone, and Vicky quickly said, "Charles, it's me!" She spoke using her sexy voice, which further annoyed him.

Devoid of any emotion, Charles asked, "What is it?"

"Charles, I am not feeling well. Can you come to see me?" Vicky begged and feigned a helpless tone, intending to provoke his protective instinct.

'What the hell is wrong with this woman?!' Charles wanted to scream.

However, he tried to compose himself and spoke in a soft tone. He rejected her, saying, "Sorry, I am busy with something else."

"Charles, please don't be like this. I feel awful at the moment. In fact, I have been feeling this way for the past few days. The nightmares I see are terrible. It makes it difficult for me to sleep. In one of those, I saw myself being smashed by a car. I was broken into pieces. My head, hands, and feet were scattered away. I had to crawl all the way..."

Vicky miserably spoke in a low voice, a little out of breath. It sounded like she was really possessed by a devil, and there was a ghastly feeling coming from it.

Charles had absolutely no patience to deal with this woman right now. Hearing this, he only replied lightly, "You are thinking too much. Go to bed early and get some rest."

When Charles was about to hang up the phone, he heard Vicky screaming at him, full of sorrow and desperation, "I'm really going to die! If you don't come and see me right now, I'll jump off from the roof of this building!"

'Come on! She can't possibly be pulling this stunt again!'

Charles sneered and was even a bit amused by it.

Even if this woman died in front of him, he wouldn't shed a single teardrop for her.

But whoever was behind her wasn't tired yet. He didn't know how many traps they had for him and his family members.

If he decided to get rid of this woman once and for all, that person would think that she was useless and stop showing up.

Charles was torn by this feeling of indecision.


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