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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2119

At a corner on the road, a black car had been knocked over, and a cloud of smoke was covering it. No one knew who was inside it or if they were even still alive.

Only the hood of the truck that crashed into the car was damaged. A few seconds later, the truck driver pushed open the door and stumbled out.

He was wearing a mask, a pair of black sunglasses, a cap, and a black jacket. He was completely covered with a mask, so his face couldn't be seen.

The man looked around, but no one else was in the area. He then ran toward the car and poked his head inside. He found that the people inside it were badly injured. He couldn't tell if any of them were dead yet.

When he was about to take a closer look, he suddenly heard the sound of a car. He was startled, and the first thing that came to his mind was that he was too late. If he lingered a little longer, he'd be found.

After hesitating for two seconds, the truck driver finally turned around and flipped the fence over so that the truck would fall down the hill.

Shortly after he disappeared, a car passed by. The driver of the car immediately called the police upon seeing the accident that had happened.

In the hospital

People came and went, all with their own intentions and purposes.

The door of the emergency room was closed tightly. The hospital had assigned their best surgeon to the patient.

"The patient is in severe hemorrhage!"

"The patient's heart rate is falling!"

"The patient is dying..."

On the operating table, the doctors exchanged glances. One could easily tell the solemnity of the situation based on this alone.

If they could not save this particular patient, they were going to be fired.

They'd been operating for hours, and they had just left the operating table for ten minutes. However, the director of the hospital then ordered them to go back and start operating on the patient again.

Who exactly was he? Why would the director of the hospital give the order himself to save this patient's life?

The consequences were serious if they were not able to save this particular patient.

However, the patient was almost dead. His chances of surviving were close to zero.

The surgeons were already sweating buckets. Nurses rushed to wipe their foreheads.

Time passed. Just when they were about to give up, a miracle happened.

The man's heart rate suddenly became normal, and his heartbeat even. The massive bleeding had stopped too.

Another half-hour passed, then the director of the hospital called them.

"How is it going?" the director sounded so anxious that even his voice was shaking.

"Director, he's alive!" an excited voice came through the phone.

The director was relieved. When he responded, his voice was joyous, "Well, that's good news! You're all heroes!"

After he hung up the phone, the director leaned back in his chair, his face relieved.

It was just an hour ago when the patient had arrived at the emergency room. The patient was a man who'd been fatally injured in a car accident.

Normally, the director of the board of the hospital wouldn't need to step in and give orders, but then the doctor found the patient's ID.


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