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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2126

Duke was a little surprised to hear what Damian just said. Duke found that man extremely weird and suspected him to be a rival. He tried to convince Damian that taking any favor from that person would not be of any help to him ultimately.

"Don't be deceived, Damian! Do you even know who he is? Are you sure you need to keep in touch with him?" Duke tried to persuade him.

"Do you think I have any other option than taking his help? Now that Sher doesn't talk to me, and even Isla doesn't help me, I'm getting farther and farther away from Sher. I've done so much for her, yet I have still not been able to win her heart. What do you expect me to do now?" Damian expressed his anguish.

Duke marked the desperateness in Damian. He remained silent for a while and then said, "But your identity is different from others. From what you are telling me, I can see that you have decided to become a puppet in someone else's hands. What if that person uses you for their vested interest? You will be wronged in a way where you will never be able to come out of it. Have you thought about that?"

"I'm not afraid of being used. As long as Sher can leave Charles and comes back to me. And as long as I can win her heart, I am willing to accept the worse results," Damian answered determinedly.

Duke shook his head in dismay. He could understand Damian's state of mind. But one thing he could still not understand was how a young and well-to-do man like Damian falls for a mother-of-two in such a way that he can become so desperate to be with her at any cost. In Duke's opinion, it was not worth the effort.

"Well, it's all up to you to decide. But remember, please brace yourself. Make sure not to put yourself into trouble. If anything happens to you, I will not be able to explain to your father," Duke warned Damian.

"Okay, I will!" Saying that Damian hung up the phone. Slowly the smile faded from his face, and he looked around with a grim look.

Damian knew that he had chosen a difficult path, and he had to be very careful.

He had followed the instructions to arrive at the abandoned factory. It was a deserted place bereft of any human contact.

At the time when Damian arrived, Rob was yet to reach the place. After ten minutes of waiting, Damian became doubtful about Rob's intention of coming to meet him.

Damian himself was in two minds whether to wait for Rob or leave the deserted place. He took out his phone to make a call to Duke. Just then, he heard a rustling sound behind him.

He turned around at once and saw several huge German shepherds circling him from all sides.

The huge German shepherds stuck out their tongues, and they watched Damian with their lethal and unforgiving eyes, salivating through the dark black tips of their tongues. They stared at him through their dark red eyes, as if they could not wait to feast on him.

Damian felt his heart turning cold. At that time, he could only hear the sound of the heavy breathing of the canines, and all his eyes could behold was their lethal eyes and salivating tongues. The world seemed to be coming to an end for Damian. He had never been in such a dangerous situation ever in his entire life. He had never felt so frightened. However, he made up his mind not to give in to the situation. No matter how scared he was, he decided not to show it on his face.

He knew that such ferocious animals were very intuitive. The more scared you looked to them, the more confident they would be to attack and overpower you.

Hence, for the love of his life, Damian tried not to look so intimidated by the German shepherds. He tried to look around from the corner of his eye to locate some handy tool that could at least help him defend himself from the German shepherds for the time being and avoid being ripped into pieces.

But much to Damian's surprise, the canines were in no hurry to attack him. They just looked at him, as if they were waiting for a special order.

At that moment, Damian thought there had to be a catch. So he decided to calm down and observed the situation. That seemed to be the only survival tactic for him at that moment.

It seemed to be some kind of a movie set–Damian faced-to-face with some fierce German shepherds in an abandoned factory. Indeed, it would make a very unique photo opportunity. If it was clicked by a professional photographer and posted on the internet, it could make Damian emerge as an internet sensation overnight along with those German shepherds.

A few minutes passed in this way. Slowly, drops of cold sweat started appearing on Damian's forehead, and he felt weak in his knees.

Then there came a point when Damian could not take it anymore. At the moment when he was on the verge of losing his nerve, the German shepherds barked suddenly and ran off in another direction.

As Damian's eyes chased the canines in the direction that they went, he saw a figure emerging out of the dark.

Damian looked carefully and found it was Rob.

'Oh! So this is the damned man!' Damian thought in his mind.


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