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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2133

Making up her mind, Sheryl was determined to make Ferry pay for his wrongdoing.

Realizing that Sheryl had already forgiven him, Charles took his chance to apologize at once, "No, Sher, you didn't do anything wrong. I am the one who should be blamed. I shouldn't have kept you in the dark for so long. I can only imagine how worried and sad you were during those times. As their father, I am supposed to protect our kids from any harm. Sher, I'm sorry."

"Charles!" Sheryl exclaimed, throwing herself into Charles' arms. Her eyes were watery. She could feel her heart beating strongly inside her chest. Thinking that Clark was still in the hands of the bad guys, she felt worried.

"Charles, we need to hurry and find a way to get Clark back. We can't just wait here."

"Well, that's the reason why I asked you to come here," Charles started. Holding her chin to lift her face, he prompted her to take a look at him. "Listen! Sher, you must do as I tell you, and make no mistakes..." Charles told Sheryl his plan in detail. The latter listened carefully, trying to grasp as much as she could.

A few minutes later, shock registered on Sheryl's face. As much as Charles' plan seemed well-thought of, it would take a lot to perfectly execute it. As mentioned earlier, there was no room for errors.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Sheryl asked, looking into his eyes.

Charles nodded his head and answered firmly, "Rachel hates me. If Vicky is indeed Rachel, she would take this as a very good opportunity to kill me."

"But it means that you will take a huge risk yourself..." Sheryl appealed, feeling worried about Charles.

"Don't worry about me. I promise to be careful. As long as you can do as I tell you, my plan will work," Charles assured her.

"All right." Sheryl nodded. She knew that Charles had made up his mind, so there was no way she could change it. All she could do now was to support him and do her part.

The streets were already dark when Sheryl returned to Dream Garden. As soon as she entered the house, she found Melissa and Nancy anxiously waiting for her in the living room, just as she had expected.

"Good evening, Mom, Nancy," Sheryl greeted them, seeing as they both turned when she stepped into the room.

Seeing Sheryl had finally arrived, Melissa got excited. She jumped to her feet and rushed to meet her, throwing herself at Sheryl.

"Sher, I called you so many times, but you never picked up. How is Charles? Did you... " Melissa lowered her head and started to cry, the rest of her words fading as she sobbed.

Sheryl knew that she had to comfort her mother-in-law, so she held her hand and said, "Mom, don't worry. Charles is fine. He really is."

"Really?" Melissa raised her head and asked in between sobs. Her eyelashes were still wet. She wiped the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hands. At the sight, Sheryl almost wanted to laugh.

"Charles is still in a coma, but he is fine," Sheryl explained, trying not to go into any details.

"So why did the doctor ask you to come?"

"It was a false alarm. They misjudged the data and thought Charles was in danger. But I only learned about it when I got there. I was really scared out of my wits by then." Sheryl tried keeping her tone relaxed.

Melissa felt relieved upon hearing the good news. But then she remembered. "What about Clark? Did you hear back from the kidnappers already? My poor Clark is still in those people's hands. How can I even feel at ease when I keep thinking about our poor little Clark?"

Sheryl's face dimmed. She nodded and assured Melissa, "Mom, don't worry. I'll figure it out. Anyway, is Shirley asleep?" Sheryl asked, turning towards Nancy.

"Yes, Shirley is sleeping already. Sher, you must be tired too. Are you hungry? You always forget to eat on time when you're busy. Come, I'll cook something for you quickly, and then you can go back into your room and take a rest," Nancy said attentively.

"Thank you, Nancy, but you don't have to do that. I have something urgent to deal with. Anyway, just take good care of mom. Call me if you need anything," Sheryl advised. She had something urgent to attend to at this time and had only gone home to personally advise Melissa on Charles' condition.


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