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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 2144

Sheryl was extremely restless and anxious about Clark's deteriorating condition. She said, "Since the reason behind Clark's illness is still undiagnosed, the doctors are clueless about the cure. The only way forward is to send him for further examination and try to find out the root cause behind the illness. I am so worried..."

Hearing Sheryl's words, Vicky couldn't help but think of what Rob had told them the night before.

'Is what Rob claimed last night true? Did he really poison Clark?'

The look on Vicky's face changed dramatically at the very thought of it. If that was the case, the situation was indeed alarming, and Sheryl seemed to be unaware of what Rob had revealed in front of Charles and Vicky. Charles should have informed Sheryl about it. But it seemed that he had not revealed it to Sheryl as yet. So Vicky said, "Sheryl, you'd better suggest Charles force Rob to hand over the antidote. Now only he has the antidote. Otherwise, in not too long, there will be no way to get Clark back."

Sheryl looked bewildered at hearing Vicky's words. She asked, "What antidote? What does it have to do with Rob?"

Vicky's assumption about Charles not revealing the information to Sheryl was further confirmed. She looked at Sheryl and questioned, "Didn't Charles tell you what had happened last night?"

"No. What happened? Tell me," Sheryl asked, looking absolutely blank.

Melissa was standing aside. She got impatient. To make it short, she pulled at Vicky's sleeve and urged, "What the hell is it? Tell us quickly."

Vicky hesitated and sank into deep thought.

She could not make out why Charles had hidden such important information from his family.

Vicky regretted having revealed information to Charles' family that he should have told them. She felt awkward to see both Melissa and Sheryl were eager to hear it out. After a momentary indecisiveness, she decided to tell them what Rob had told them the night before.

Heaving a sigh, Vicky slowly said, "Last night, Rob told me that he had injected some kind of poison into Clark's body, which would initially lead to a high fever, and, gradually, it would lead to further complications like body ache, nose bleeding, and then..." Vicky suddenly paused and stole a glance at them.

Sheryl grabbed Vicky's arm and shouted anxiously, "And then what? Tell me the entire thing!"

"Rob said it would be fatal once the poison spread in his blood. If the antidote is not administered at the right time... The person who has been poisoned by this drug will live less than one and half a month..." Vicky stammered as she felt too sad to continue.

Melissa couldn't believe her ears. "What kind of poison is it? Are you sure about what you are saying?"

"You just said Charles knew about it, didn't you?" Sheryl asked again, her face turning awful.

Frightened by Sheryl's reaction, Vicky nodded her head immediately and said, "Yes, he knew it."

"Okay, then I believe in everything that you have just said." Sheryl's face was pale. She loosened her grip on Vicky's hand, and then she furrowed her brows in a deep frown.

In her mind, Sheryl reviewed all the incidents one by one since the morning. Charles had suddenly shown up in the ward with the medical staff, and then they took Clark out for the medical examination later. She should have noticed something was wrong. Now it was all clear in her mind.

Charles might have chosen not to tell Sheryl because he knew how Sheryl would react once she had been informed that Clark was poisoned.

Still, being Clark's mother, Sheryl had the right to know the truth. In Sheryl's opinion, no matter how bad Clark's condition could be, Charles should have informed her without any hesitation.

There was a weird sternness on Sheryl's face as she tried to absorb the shock, which made Vicky surprised.

She took a look at Melissa, who was also shocked by what had happened.

While Melissa and Sheryl were drowning in deep sorrow, a big commotion broke out right outside the ward, and then a group of people came in.

Chapter 2144 A Heavy Blow To Everyone 1

Chapter 2144 A Heavy Blow To Everyone 2


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