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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 398

More drama was needed, Roger thought. So he stood up, bowed deep and said, "While I had to admit to a romantic relationship with Miss Bai, I will make it clear it was in the past. I am now appealing to the public to please respect her privacy, especially her married life even if we, as artists, are susceptible to gossip. While publicity is good for my TV shows and help people recognize me as an actor, I would appreciate not hearing baseless comments about my private life."

But the press wanted to know more. "Did you know that Miss Bai and her husband Edward Lu are getting a divorce and he wants to divorce her?" a reported inquired.

Ever the actor, Roger pretended to be stunned by the news. "But why? I've long ended my relationship with Miss Bai so it can't be the reason for their parting, " he said.

Roger sought out a camera, looked directly into it and said, "Edward, I know we have never met. But I want to sincerely apologize for any trouble I may have caused your marriage. And while Miss Bai and I have parted a long time ago, I will not blame you for whatever actions you may take regarding the matter."

His admission was well accepted and gained him more recognition that was very good for his TV shows. And the media began to shift their attention from gossiping about Roger's private life to his acting career.

Rachel, however, was furious over Roger's claims made during the press conference. She hurled everything within reach and shattered every breakable item in sight. The nurse who came in was appalled at the mess and expressed her displeasure. "Miss Bai, this is a hospital. You have no right to behave that way!"

But the patient was raving mad and screamed, "Out of my sight!"

She pointed at the nurse and menacingly said, "Get out of here!"

But the nurse would not be cowed. "This is our hospital, a public facility, and not your house or private room. We will not tolerate smashing hospital property!"

Unfortunately, the nurse was well aware of the scandal Rachel was involved in and looked at the woman contemptuously. "Whatever issues you have does not justify your behavior."

But Rachel was unstoppable. "How dare you speak to me that way!"

She sneered and assumed a more superior attitude. "What gives you the right to disrespect me?"

With Roger's announcement and Edward's decision to divorce her, all Rachel wanted to do was hide in the hospital to avoid facing the media and the public.

The nurse said testily, "I treat every patient with sincerity and respect.

But in your case, Miss Bai… you had better arrange to be discharged as you have obviously recovered."

Rachel snapped at her, "I am not leaving!"

She was now crying but still hostile. "I can afford another day's hospitalization, " Rachel sobbed.

The nurse looked at her with disdain and said, "This is not a hotel where you can stay as long as you want.

Our hospital serves patients in urgent need. Those who have recovered need to be discharged, regardless of whether they can afford to pay or not, " she stressed.

Rachel saw that the nurse was unmoved by her appeal and remained adamant about her being discharged.

Roger's arrogance during his press conference made things more complicated for Rachel. She decided there was only one way to stay in the hospital, however difficult the decision was.

She announced, "I want to undergo induced abortion. Is that justification enough to stay?"

With Roger denying any romantic relationship, keeping the baby didn't seem worth it.

Regarding that the nurse was startled by the announcement, she showed no sign of it.


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