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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 434

"Okay, I am relieved to hear that. I hope he has a speedy recovery." Autumn finally got some relief. She didn't ask anything further about it because she strongly believed that Charles and Andy would deal him for her.

Meanwhile, Ferry asked his man to go head and schedule an appointment with Leila. She came to the cafe they chose soon after Burke left for work. This cafe was not easily known to others so they didn't have to worry about being seen by someone they knew.

Ferry went to great lengths to ensure he had gotten rid of the detectives arranged by Andy and headed straight to the cafe as Leila had already been waiting for him for over an hour.

Leila didn't blame Ferry for tardiness and instinctively stood up as he entered the room.

"Sorry, I'm late for our appointment." Ferry had spend a lot of time and energy to get rid of Andy's men. Now Leila was the only one he could turn to for help to deal with Autumn, bearing that important role in mind he spoke to Leila with extreme politeness.

"What would you like to drink?" Ferry asked Leila.

"Nothing really, thank you." Leila asked, "Why did you call for this urgent and sudden meeting here? Is everything alright?"

Leila was a little scared of Ferry so she always talked respectfully and also carefully.

Ferry smiled and replied to Leila, "Don't be nervous. I will not eat you up."

Leila was rendered speechless and then Ferry added, "I came here to inform you that owing to some unforeseen incidents I have move to another place for a while and I'm afraid I won't be able to return soon, with that said to achieve your plan now you can only depend on yourself. I cannot extend my support at this time."

"What are you saying?" Leila was shocked by what Ferry said. She then replied with broaden eyes, "Hmm... what do you mean by that?

You promised me you would help me unite with Charles under any cost and I always trusted you, but now you tell me that I must do all of this all by myself. Are you kidding?" Leila was irritated and angry. She lost her temper on Ferry and could not conceal it.

"Don't get so worked up and emotional. Before reacting any further just hear me out" Ferry pulled her down to take her seat and said, "Now both Charles and Autumn already know and think that you have a boyfriend, so it is better if you don't approach them for a while. Just let them believe that you love your boyfriend very much and are happy. That is the best option now."

"But if I let Charles believe that I have really fallen in love with another man, will he still be open to the thought of being with me?" Leila asked in a concerned tone.

"You will need to find an appropriate excuse to break up with your boyfriend. Just remember, you don't try to bother Autumn and Charles in any way and I'll work out all the logistics for you, " Ferry assured her and tried to regain her trust. But Leila was adamant and didn't take his advice. She stared at Ferry as she blurted out, "No, this is not how it will work this time. Now, you must tell me all the details of your plan, if not, I chose not to listen to you any further."

Ferry was very angry and offended with her response but constrained his emotions in a bid to regain Leila's trust and cooperation. He got close to Leila's ear and told her everything. Upon hearing the plan, Leila was shocked and inquired with her eyes wide open, "Can this really work?"

"I promise you that one day in the near future you will be with Charles so long as you do all what I just told you. Now believe it or not, the plan solely depends on you." Then Ferry relaxed back into his seat with an air of confidence.


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