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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 440

Roger carefully issued the invitation, sounding very composed. "If you want the money, meet me at the Moon Café, 2:00 p.m. tomorrow."

As excited as she was, Rachel became suspicious. "Wait a minute!" 'Why the need to meet?' she thought. "Can you not just transfer the money to my bank account?" Rachel asked Roger. "I don't think we need to meet somewhere for that purpose."

Roger smiled. "Ah, but it's necessary," he said coldly. Before making the call, he thought of how to counter any objection Rachel might raise about the meeting.

"You have to understand that I need to make certain any relations with you are totally cut off after that. You see, the relationship is not good for my image," Roger said quite arrogantly. "I, a sought-after star and you, a has-been actress subject to public condemnation," he added. He waited for a beat and continued," Besides, I need you to sign an agreement that signifies our parting after you receive the money. Privacy is essential, right?"

Acting perfectly, Roger told Rachel," I will only hand you the money on condition that you sign the agreement."

Rachel was annoyed with the proposal, but had little choice. "But I fear being spotted and media dogging me to make my situation even worse," she nearly wailed. "Your fears are baseless, believe me," Roger replied.

He did think of that but Autumn said to do anything to make Rachel agree. "My position is not much better than yours," he said," I also run the risk of being seen with you!"

Finally, he threatened Rachel," Better give your answer quickly, or you can forget all about this call."

Rachel had many doubts but did not want to give up an opportunity, so she gave in. "All right, I will do as you request."

"Good then!" Roger exhaled in relief. "I shall see you tomorrow." He hung up without saying goodbye. The plan was in place. It was up to Autumn to carry it through.

Back at the Cloud Advertising Company, Isla was worried about Autumn's scheme.

She looked at her with concern and said," Autumn, don't you think you're acting in haste? Remember, you're an expectant mother."

But Autumn dismissed her concern, however well-meaning. "Please don't worry," she reassured Isla. "I will not personally carry out the plan," she told Isla. "Once I relay all this to Chris, I will leave it to her and Edward to deal with Rachel."

Isla blew out a breath, out of relief. "Now, that's a great idea!" After hearing Autumn's instructions to Roger, Isla had sort of panicked. If anything happened to Autumn during the encounter, she could never face Charles out of shame.

"Okay, good. Now, let me drive you home," she told Autumn. Her offer was declined immediately. "No, thanks. I have a personal driver and he'll bring me back home."

"You have a personal driver?" Isla asked. That was news to Isla. She recalled the last time Autumn came by to visit the company, she was accompanied by Nancy.

"Yes, my driver is Brent. He is Nancy's son," Autumn explained. She went on to tell Isla everything that happened which led to their hiring Brent to drive for her. In sympathy, Isla kept on sighing over and over again as she listened.

Then Autumn remembered something. "There is another matter…" Colin came to mind and she wanted to see if all was right with Isla. "Isla, is Colin still pestering you?" she asked.

Colin, in fact, continued to harass Isla, showering her with compliments at every opportunity. But his efforts only irritated Isla more, who did her best to avoid him. She kept this a secret from Aron, afraid of what he might do to Colin. And she did not want to bother Autumn about it because of her pregnancy.

Isla simply smiled, reached out for Autumn's hand and reassured her. "You can put your mind at ease. Colin will not dare bother me again. Because Aron will definitely protect me from his ill-mannered cousin."

She added," And I will definitely teach him a lesson if he insists on further molesting me."

"That's good to know," said Autumn. She felt relieved because she was terribly concerned about Isla.


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