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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 442

After having broken up with Anthony, Lisa had dated several men in the United States. But the vacuum left in her heart by his absence just wasn't filled by any one of them. It was not until then did she realize how much she loved him. Never would she be happy if she couldn't spend the rest of her life with him. Before it was too late, she had to take action.

After careful consideration, she decided to come to Y City and made up her mind to pursue Anthony again after the way she had ended things between them. No matter how difficult it would be, she wouldn't give up.

"Past is in the past," Anthony replied indifferently, staring at Lisa. "You are pretty and well educated. There will a number of men lining to date you. We have split up and you must accept it. Please move on and put an end to this pointless chatter." If Lisa had returned to Y City with him, their relationship might have been cemented. They might have even been married after receiving blessings and support from Anthony's grandpa. The moment she refused to come to Y City earlier, their relationship had ended completely. Besides, it was not fair to accept Lisa while embracing his developing feelings towards Autumn. That was why he consistently refused Lisa's request throughout their meeting.

"But you are the only one in my heart. I can't throw myself into starting over another relationship not when I want to fix ours," With a determined look Lisa went ahead and said. "To be completely honest, I have already accepted Y Hospital's offer. From now on, I will be a doctor in the emergency department of your hospital. We are already colleagues. I am happy to have the opportunity to work with you!"

Lisa then changed her tone and began to plead with imploring eyes," Anthony, it doesn't matter if you don't love me anymore. I am telling you that I will pursue you until you change your mind and agree to date me. I'm not giving up on us."

"Are you out of your mind?" Anthony couldn't understand why she was so persistent in her efforts to mend their relationship. In fact he would have been happy and content about them being together but now it was too late. Withdrawing his feelings about Autumn seemed impossible. Even though it was unlikely that they would end up together, he still wouldn't get involved with Lisa again. He was just frustrated with her constant persuasion. He stared at her in disbelief and tried to speak sense to her yet again," You have excellent opportunities in your own country, opportunities that people dream of in our profession. And you walked away from those and decided to settle here? You are so naive to make such a hasty decision."

"Why can't I work here? Is it because you are here?" Lisa replied nonchalantly," Besides, I am a mixed-race woman. I know, I looked like a European or an American. However, no one can deny the fact that half of my blood is the same as yours. I came here to lend my medical skills for my country. Is there something wrong with that?"

Anthony found it hard to respond to that, so he chose to remain silent.

At this point she was enjoying the conversation, preening herself like a winner of a debate. Lisa's proud tone guaranteed him a miserable future. Just thinking about what he was going to go through made his head hurt.

He murmured under his breath, 'She has agreed to work in Y hospital. No wonder she found my office so easily.'

"Let us start over. Hi, my name is Lisa," Lisa reached out a hand and beamed.

She had just arrived, so she didn't have any place to stay especially since she assumed she would live with him. It made it a legitimate reason to force Anthony to let her stay in his house. But Anthony turned her down anyway and got her a room in a hotel. But instead to get rid of her, he had no choice but to agree looking for a house with her the next day as he had the day off.

How could he be so heartless so as to let a woman stay alone? She was new in the city and moreover didn't have any acquaintances. Anthony had no choice but to say yes to her.

Even though it was his off the next day, he was woken up in the early morning. Lisa called to inform him that she was on her way to his house. Right after getting washed up and ready, he saw Lisa in his house who then compelled him to go out for breakfast. To his shock, she chose a local restaurant.

It was incredible that someone new to the city was able to find this restaurant. He stared at her doubtfully and asked," How did you find this restaurant?"

In his opinion, only people who were familiar with Y City knew this place as it was not openly spoken about. It was unexpected which increased his curiosity by the minute about how she made it.

Lisa prided herself on acting like a local. With glimmering eyes looking forward to his compliments, she said," Well what do you think? Isn't this restaurant great? I did a thorough research on the Internet before I came to Y City. This restaurant was highly rated and recommended by locals. Since then I was looking forward to trying this place with you. I didn't expect to fulfill my dream today."

Her excitement was obvious to Anthony. He didn't say anything but kept on eating. Honestly, he couldn't put up with her overzealous behavior. If they were still lovers, maybe he would have enjoyed her solicitude. The fact was that he had had been nagging at her.

After breakfast, Lisa advised to look for a house in his neighborhood, as she clearly preferred to live close to him.


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