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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 448

Charles agreed with his wife. "Yes, it's best for you to go home," he told Autumn's grandparents. "I can stay with Autumn. It's already getting late and you must be tired already."

Arthur and Amy were quite old so Autumn didn't want to endanger their health by worrying about her. So, she made sure to assure them she was getting better.

"Oh, all right. You're right anyway. We will leave now." Arthur said. To Autumn he whispered," You, my dear, get plenty of rest." Amy agreed. She didn't want to be out of the house for a long time in case Emily would learn about what happened to Autumn.

Autumn stayed in the hospital for three days. Charles was with her the whole time. Sometimes, she would wake up in the middle of the night due to nightmares and would see her husband working with his laptop. She felt guilty and sorry for him.

Her husband had more to worry about because of her hospitalization so she needed to make it up to him once she was better.

Anthony came in to check her everyday. Once he was sure Autumn was out of danger, he announced that she could be discharged from the hospital. Charles, though, wasn't in the room when he said that. So Anthony stayed a little longer, talking with Autumn. She found his humor quite amusing.

Autumn mentioned that it was Lisa who took care of her before he arrived. This embarrassed Anthony, because of the way he treated Lisa, even knowing what she had done for Autumn.

He was completely wrong about Lisa, he thought.

Autumn noted the change in her doctor's mood."What's wrong?" she inquired.

"Nothing," Anthony quickly replied. He shook his head lightly, and gave Autumn a small smile.

Autumn stared at her doctor, trying to see if she could get a hint about his concern from Anthony's expression. Recalling their previous conversations, Autumn suddenly remembered Anthony mentioning a foreign girlfriend when he worked overseas.

She started to put two and two together. Autumn probed," Is Lisa… Is she the ex-girlfriend you were referring to?"

Anthony was taken aback. He wanted to deny it but decided it was better to tell the truth. "Yes, she's the one."

Her suspicions confirmed, Autumn was now confused. "What?" She didn't want to badger her doctor but was curious. "So why is she here in the same hospital where you are?" Anthony inhaled deeply. How did he explain things to Autumn?

Instead he frowned. "I can't explain everything in minutes. But I will do that when the time is right," he told Autumn.

Anthony looked a little sad as he told Autumn," Just rest. I need to look in on my other patients."

Then he left. Autumn wanted to urge him to stay but he quickly disappeared, probably for fear he would have to reveal more secrets.

Autumn stayed another night at the hospital to be certain she was really better. It was for both her and Charles' peace of mind. The next day, Charles helped Autumn prepare for her discharge from the hospital. After waking up, she put on her own clothes, and searched for Lisa to thank her again, but the doctor was not around. A nurse informed Autumn she missed Lisa by just a few minutes.

She considered for a moment and decided to proceed to Anthony's office. He was on night shift yesterday and she figured he would still be in the hospital.

Without her doctor's help and care, Autumn would not have recovered so quickly. It was only proper to thank him.

She knocked at his office door. Anthony answered with a tired voice," Come in!"

When she entered, she saw Anthony, leaning against a chair, looking almost ready to collapse from fatigue.


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