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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 464

"That's just the way it is." Madeline was pleased to see Pamela so optimistic and then she cheerfully said,"I will be more pleased if you marry my son. I really hope with all my heart that you could be my daughter-in-law someday."

As Pamela heard Madeline express her deepest desires, her cheeks began flushing pink out of shyness. Staring at two of them who acted like a loving mother and a daughter, Leila felt hit by the truck, as she stood there motionlessly.

All through these years, she had made every attempt to marry a rich man to live the luxurious life that she longed but now to find this out about Burke was like a slap in the face. Happiness and her dreams were right in front of her but she could not recognize it.

However, Charles had no interest in her and it always seemed impossible for them to be together. There were days even she wanted to give up.

But now she had lost the chance to marry a man of rich second generation who loved her deeply and sincerely for many years. It seemed so absurd as well as ridiculous and now she regretted for what she did to Burke in the past. 'I should have accepted his proposal, ' Leila thought to herself with deep regret.

She had known Burke for ten years, but she never knew that Burke came from such a rich family and he also didn't mention his family background to her. He was such a humble man.

She wanted to rush at Burke, wake him up and tell him that she would love to marry him. But now it was just too late. How could she do such a shameless thing?

Madeline, Burke's mother, was also escorting him to car so executing her idea seemed more than ridiculous.

Even if now Burke was willing to marry Leila, his mother would object to their union after knowing what she did.

'No, I can't just give up. I have to figure out an idea to marry Burke. This way, I won't have to wait around for Charles or any other eligible bachelor.' Leila planned in her mind.

Leila looked at them as they got into the car and soon soared away, and felt repentant, but she could do nothing. The car gradually faded from her sight. Within the next few moments, her cab arrived, and as she sat in it she was caught in a web of thoughts forgetting her surroundings. She didn't even realize that the taxi had stopped.

"Here we are, miss." The driver kindly reminded her and then said,"This will be fifty dollars."

"Oh, thanks," replied Leila with low spirits as she was still lost in thought. She took out her wallet, paid the driver, and then got out from the car, rushing home in owing to the rain.

She couldn't help but imagine that had it been Burke who drove her home today, he could not bear to see her get wet in the rain. Now she began to miss the days spent with Burke as well as the things that he did for her in the past. He was always so considerate and loving.

'Now that I have found a more convenient way to become rich and prosper, I don't have to seek far and uncertainties while ignoring what lies close at hand, ' Leila thought to herself.

Leila felt that she was so stupid not to see the signs that Burke must have come from a notable family. She recalled that when they were in high school, the teachers decided to organize a fall excursion once. However, the school couldn't find an available pleasure ground. It was Burke who helped solve this dilemma by calling somebody.

Leila still remembered that Burke told her that one of his relatives was working in that pleasure ground. There were signs all along, and she just had to pay attention.

And even after she graduated from school, it was Burke who helped her land a job.

Every time he would tell her that he asked his friends or relatives for help, but now it turned out that the hotel was his family property, so he didn't have to ask others for help at all. It was always his family who extended a helping hand.

When Leila got back home, she sneezed as she had caught a cold from getting wet in the rain just now. However, instead of avoiding falling sick, Leila even had a cold bath. She was determined to employ the ruse of sickness to win Burke's confidence the next day.

At the same time, Madeline also took Burke home and took care of him with Pamela's help.

Pamela had moved abroad when she was just ten-year-old and they hadn't met each other for over thirteen years. Since the last time he met her, she had grown from a little girl to an elegant and pretty girl. Burke, too evidently, grew from a wimpy kid to a handsome man.


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