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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 469

"You... You are treating me in such a cold and harsh manner for her, aren't you?" Leila questioned him as she raised her voice, being fully aware of where they stood. Noticing that more and more passers-by gathered around them, Leila tried to utilize this growing attention to embarrass Pamela. With a hurt expression, she stared at Burke and asked,"You changed your mind overnight because of her, didn't you? Just tell me the truth."

"It's all between Burke and you. I had nothing to do with it. So why are you suddenly shifting the blame on me?" Pamela snapped back in defense as she flushed pink with embarrassment. Pamela was a shy girl. Realizing that crowd was whispering to one another and casting her reproachful glances, she basked in embarrassment. She explained and defended herself in a hurry to save face,"I just came from abroad. I knew nothing about you. So how can you possibly blame me for your failed relationship? This is not fair."

"Oh come on!" Leila sarcastically led her on. "Burke and I were getting on perfectly before you appeared in the scene, and he even proposed to me yesterday. But now suddenly things have changed and turned sour in my favor. You are a self-righteous and entitled bitch. You must have spoken ill about me in front of him, didn't you?"

"You..." Pamela was too infuriated at this point to even finish her sentence. Her good breeding and demure stopped her from stooping down to her level and scolding her like Leila did to her. She knitted her brows and remarked,"You're being too unreasonable, so there is no point to engage in a conversation."

"I'll teach you a lesson for what you did," Leila pounced at Pamela with a furious look. Burke dashed forward and stood between Leila and Pamela. He seized Leila's hands while howling at her,"That's enough of this charade. Haven't you done enough already that you had to create a public spectacle over nothing and blame this girl for your shortcomings?"

"Burke..." Leila called his name affectionately with a pathetic look. She stared at Burke and begged for mercy,"Please don't leave me. Please just give me another chance. I know you still love me."

"That is impossible," Burke replied with a resolute expression. He realized that the only way to get rid of Leila was to leave the hospital premises. A doctor who was walking past Burke stopped and out of good will, he turned to Burke and reminded as he whispered,"Burke, don't let things get worse. After all, this is a hospital."

"I understand," Burke replied, looking a bit guilty and awkward for the situation he was caught in. 'Fortunately I have resigned. I won't bring shame to the hospital even if Leila continues to stir up trouble like this, ' he thought to himself.

He looked at the passers-by and said,"Just go back and mind your own business. There is nothing to watch here!"

Leila moved closer to Burke and said,"This isn't over yet. You must make things clear to me today, Burke. What are you going to do about us?"

Burke was always getting on well with his colleagues thanks to his good temperament and humble nature. The nurses too began to actively help him by dismissing the on-lookers while saying "It was just a misunderstanding. Please go back to minding your own business."

Upon noticing that Leila was about to speak yet again, Burke seized her arm in one strong swift moment and warned her,"I have quit my job here. You can't scare me even if you still stay here and create a debacle like this."

Leila glanced at Burke with fear, growing fully aware that quarrel wouldn't help her situation anymore. She grabbed Burke's hand and said in a soft tone,"I just want you to give me an answer, Burke. I..."

"Follow me!" Burke interrupted her with a stern expression. He dragged Leila to her ward, and asked impatiently,"Tell me, what is that you want from me? Tell me the truth."

"Nothing..." Leila said casually, as she looked into Burke's eyes hoping to seem sincere. "You have loved me for over ten years. I finally realized that you are the one who treats me best, with love and care. But why did you decide to dump me suddenly? Did you leave me because of that entitled bitch?"

"Just shut your mouth!" Burke shouted at her realizing there was no use of having a chat with her. At this moment, he regretted loving and wasting his time on Leila for ten years. With a sneer, he said defensively,"Don't call her bitch. She has a name. The reason I decided to break up with you has nothing to do with her. Please shove that in your puny little brain."

"But you do still speak for and defend her... like she is your own," Leila said in disdain. "How could you let me believe that there is nothing going on with her?"

"Will you let me go once I explain the situation to you?" Burke offered her an explanation hoping that she would leave after that. "You want to know why I am so resolute to break up with you, don't you? Well, fine then, I'll tell you the reason."


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