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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 471

"Yeah, here it is," Burke affirmed, a soft smile lighting up his face. "You'll be teaching here soon. Are you happy?"

"Yes, of course," Pamela replied in a happy tone, her eyes sparkling. She was over the moon at the prospect of starting her new job. She turned to face Burke and clashed into his smiling eyes. The air sizzled with the strong chemistry between them that they both looked away hurriedly. Pamela's face turned red while Burke tried to look nonchalant.

Burke cleared his throat and said,"It's getting late. Let me bring you home."

"Sure," Pamela agreed readily. When she left home to study abroad, Pamela didn't really forget about Burke, despite how much she tried. Seeing him again like this made her realize that she still loved him.

They were both quiet on the drive back to Pamela's house. Upon arriving, Burke parked in front of her gate. "Here we are," he said as he turned to Pamela, finally breaking the silence.

Before leaving the car, Pamela decided to speak. "Thank you, Burke. See you later!" Pamela said, trying to sound cheerful. Deep inside, she was disappointed that he was leaving so soon. She smiled up at him, overcoming her shyness. "Do you think we can hang out later?"

"Of course. You can call me anytime." His reply came without hesitation as he was seemingly pleased at her request. He was almost afraid he sounded too eager, shaking his head as he drove away.

Meanwhile, in the Dream Garden, Autumn was blooming with good health. Brent seemed to turn over a new leaf after receiving much scolding from Nancy. Nothing went missing at home after that.

With Chris and Sam's wedding fast approaching, both families were busy with wedding preparations.

Time passed in a blur. Autumn never missed her regular check-up at the hospital while actively helping Chris with her wedding preparations. Since there were only three days left before the wedding, Chris stopped meeting Sam. Instead, they resolved to call each other daily.

Chris hung up the phone and met Autumn's teasing eyes.

"Stop it, Autumn. Quit teasing me!" Chris reproached Autumn.

"I was just wondering about what you guys talk about these days," she started. "You're getting married real soon. Do you have some important matters to discuss that you must fix immediately?" Autumn asked with mischief clear in her voice. Autumn knew Sam very well. She knew he was not such a talkative man. She could tell from their conversation that it was mostly Chris talking and Sam was just listening, maybe talking shortly on and off.

She was surprised that he could tolerate Chris' nagging.

"Stop making fun of me, Autumn!" Chris flushed. "We used to meet daily. But now it has been days! It has been truly difficult."

There was a custom in Y City warning couples not to meet each other before their wedding day because it brought bad luck. Therefore, Sam and Chris decided to follow this tradition and avoided each other the past few days.

"Well, there's only two days left. So try to be patient," Autumn advised Chris. "Besides, Sam has to wrap up his work so he can free some time for your honeymoon. What do you think?"

"But…" Chris stammered, blushing. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I guess I just miss him a lot. You know the saying, 'One day apart seems like three years'. Now I understand that feeling," Chris said with a heartfelt sigh.


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