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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 476

Seeing the daughter walking up the wedding aisle is an extremely emotional moment for every father. It is indeed a cruel tradition to let your child go away and live with another family. It was not different for Edward. Chris and Sam took the cup and served tea to Edward respectfully.

Edward looked up at Chris' face. She looked sparkling, her innocent eyes, so full of love and optimism towards the new life she was walking towards. And Sam standing just behind her made both of them look complete. Why did his eyes swell with tears every time he looked at Chris? 'I've just acknowledged my daughter. Before I could spend some time getting to know her, I have to marry her off, ' he thought repentantly.

The more he thought, the more upset he got. His heart was so filled up to the brim that he just could not stop tears flowing out of his eyes. He turned around to secretly wipe his tears. Gary approached and gently put his palm on his brother's shoulder and said,"What are you doing? Chris is getting married today. It's such an auspicious moment. Stop crying!"

"Yeah, I know," Edward replied, as he wiped off his tears with his sleeve. "These are the tears of joy."

When her father got so emotional, Chris' heart mellowed down as well. At the same time, she felt blissful to see so much love for her in Edward's eyes. It was a bitter sweet feeling that made her emotional as well. She thought to herself, 'I understand why he is acting so emotionally today. Perhaps, he can't bear the fact that I am getting married so soon.'

After a while, she stepped forward and spoke gently,"Please don't be so sad, Dad. I am just getting married. I will come to you frequently. Please don't..."

But before she could finish, she burst into an uncontrollable sob.

Edward quickly controlled himself as he drew Chris closer to his chest and reassured her,"Don't cry, Sweetheart. I'm very happy to see you getting married." He held her close as she rested her head on his chest. In that one moment, the father and daughter tried to make up for the long separation that they had experienced. Then slowly, Edward wiped her tears away and smiled at her to make the atmosphere light. He took out two red envelopes. "Here, these are my wedding gifts for both of you," he said to the new couple.

Seeing two bulging envelops, Sam promptly came forward and took Chris by the hand. Then he swore to Edward solemnly,"Please don't worry about Chris. I promise that I will love her and care for her all through my life. You're always welcome to visit us and supervise me at any time."

Sam's earnest pledge made Edward burst into laughter. "I have faith in you, young man. I believe that you'll treat Chris well. Now, you guys hurry up to the hotel, or you'll be late."

Edward had faith in Chris's judgment. 'Now that she chose Sam, I'm sure he'll give her a happy life, ' he thought.

Soon Chris entered the car, followed by Sam. He gripped Chris's hand tightly and said,"You're my wife now, Chris. I have always waited for this moment for such a long time"

"And you're my husband now," Chris smiled at him bashfully. Sam looked at his soon-to-be bride. At that very moment she was the prettiest woman he had ever seen. He started into her sparkling eyes and felt to be the luckiest man in the world. "Are you okay?" asked Chris.

"Yes. I'm fine. I'm just so excited," Sam said gathering himself. He smiled back giving her a light nudge on her head.

Chris was happy to find that Sam had invited Hannah and Tina to be her bridesmaids. She was grateful to Sam for being so considerate in each and every small wish of hers. She looked into his eyes and said,"Thank you!"

"My stupid little girl!" Sam responded affectionately stroking her hair. "From today on, we are a family. You don't need to be so formal with me."

"Got it," Chris replied softly.

It was just a 15-minute drive from the Lu family house to the hotel they had booked for the wedding. Fortunately they didn't miss the auspicious time. Chris greeted all the guests, and then waited at the entrance.

The door of the banquet hall was closed. Chris could hear the voice of the hostess. She knew it was her turn. She stood at the entrance waiting for the most awaited, most cherished moment of her life. Eyeing the entrance strewn with rose petals, she drifted into a trance. It was like watching her dream take shape in front of her eyes. 'After I walk to the end of the rug dotted with red rose petals, I'll be Sam's rightful wife, Mrs. Lin.' She could feel the butterflies fluttering inside her stomach.

"Are you nervous?" Edward's voice brought her back from her sweet dream. Chris held Edward's arm, nodded at him and answered shyly,"Yes Dad, I'm quite nervous."

"Take it easy, sweetheart," Edward consoled, stroking her hand. "I'll be here with you."

Chris was touched by Edward's words. She had never felt so secured, happy and loved. She felt like being the luckiest girl. With a look at Edward, she said,"Thank you, Dad!"

In the hall, the hostess announced in an impassioned voice,"Now we shall welcome our beautiful bride."


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