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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 480

Nancy finally left Brent's room. In the dark, Brent's eyes lit up, as if he had a secret only he knew.

With Autumn's condition now more stable, her hospital visits were less frequent. After a refreshing shower, she went to bed. Soon after, Charles arrived.

He sat on the edge of the bed. "It's late. Why are you still awake?" he asked. Charles loved coming home to Autumn and greeted her with a smile.

She smiled back at her husband and replied,"I'm seeing my ob-gyn tomorrow. And somehow, I can't sleep thinking about it."

Charles was a little concerned. He quickly decided to help ease her worries. "Take it easy, love. I'll go with you tomorrow." He lifted Autumn's chin to look into her eyes. "And why are you worried? I'm sure you and our babies are fine," Charles assured his wife. "Relax. Have sweet dreams. I'm just going to take a shower and join you."

The following day, Charles brought Autumn's breakfast to their bedroom so she could eat in bed as soon as she woke up. Autumn was pleased with the attention. After eating, Charles drove her to the hospital.

Autumn was about to kock on Anthony's office when Lisa came hurrying out. Her eyes were red. When she realized who it was at the door, she threw Autumn a very dark look, and that confused the pregnant woman.

Autumn could never forget how friendly Lisa had been during their first meetings. But lately, Autumn noticed a change in her attitude each time they ran into each other. It seemed like Lisa was looking at her with hatred.

Charles prodded his wife to enter. "Go on. I'll wait for you out here." He took Autumn's bag and turned to sit down in the hallway.

Autumn tapped on Anthony's door. When no one answered, she knocked again. Still, no one answered. With a little hesitation, she pushed it open and entered. At the sound of the door opening, Anthony scowled and growled without looking up,"I told you not to bother me. Can't you understand…"

He stopped when he saw Autumn standing inside his office, with a shocked look. "What are you doing here?" he asked quickly, suddenly feeling awkward.

Autumn replied,"I have an appointment with you today, remember?" She tried to compose herself. Anthony's loud voice shook her badly.

Anthony quickly checked his calendar and saw that he had indeed forgotten about Autumn's regular check-ups.

"I apologize for the outburst earlier," he said. Leading Autumn to the examination table, he instructed her to lie down. "I'll be with you in a minute." He turned to put on his white coat, breathing deeply to calm himself.

"You looked angry. And Lisa was in a rush to leave as I came in. Was she crying? I noticed her eyes were red. Did you two have a fight, Anthony?" Autumn asked as Anthony walked towards her.

"No, it was nothing like that," the doctor denied. "What would we fight about?" he said, shifting to a more businesslike tone.

"Lisa's a very attractive woman," Autumn pointed out. Lisa might not seem very friendly to Autumn recently, but it was hard to deny the woman was nice and would make a good match for Anthony. Autumn thought of giving her doctor some advice. "Don't you want to give Lisa a chance, since you don't have a girlfriend anyway?" she asked.

"Oh, please stop! If I hear another word about Lisa, I'll quit being your doctor," Anthony threatened Autumn. His threat worked. "Okay. You won't hear anything about her from me again. So, please stay on as my doctor," Autumn said quickly.

Anthony proceeded with the examination and was relieved that she remained in good health.

"You and the babies are doing well," he announced to the expectant mother. Autumn was delighted with the good news. And she was certain that Charles would be happy, too. "The babies are due in less than three months. So, it is crucial that you pay attention to your health and get enough rest. Also, moderate exercise is necessary to help with easier birthing," Anthony explained. The doctor gave further instructions and Autumn listened patiently.

"Okay, got it!" she smiled like a good student. "If you must know, I've been following your advice. Every day after dinner, I take a walk for about an hour and rest when I feel tired," Autumn said proudly.

"That's good," Anthony said, while nodding. "Keep this up and you'll be just fine," he added.

"I will do that, Doctor," Autumn teased. She suddenly remembered something and looked at Anthony.

"You've been here in Y City for a while, yet you haven't been to my grandparents' house to have dinner," she pointed out. "Why don't you join us for dinner at their home? Think of it as a token of my appreciation," Autumn smiled.


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