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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 486

Anthony gave Autumn a thorough checkup. While waiting for the examination report, Autumn could not keep her mind off Emily's deteriorating health as well. She wanted to go visit Emily.

With Autumn's extreme emotions and fragile health, Anthony persuaded her to calm down. He advised her to check on Emily once she got better. In spite of Anthony's persuasion, Autumn stubbornly insisted to check on Emily right away.

"Just lie down!" Anthony shouted with a commanding air. It was the first time that he had snapped at Autumn. "If you continue to act like this, you would lose your babies!" He howled at Autumn with a grave look.

Hearing Anthony's howl, Autumn was petrified. Bursting out into tears, with a fragile expression, she sobbed,"I..."

"Come on! Don't cry," Anthony said in a comforting tone as he noticed Autumn's tear-filled eyes and heart-broken expression. "Don't worry, we got the best doctors here. They're going to help Emily make it through."

"Really?" Autumn answered with tears gushing out from her eyes. Her eyes gleaming with concern, she stared at Anthony and asked,"Is grandma really gonna be okay?"

Anthony meditated in silence. Actually, he had learnt about Emily's condition. Knowing it was just a matter of time before her body gave up, he was certain that Autumn was not ready to take this terrible news yet.

The only thing he could do was to tell some white lies to Autumn and help her get through this.

"Yes, she will. Your grandma will be okay," Anthony reassured Autumn.

His words set Autumn's mind at rest. She composed herself and laid there silently.

Anthony sighed in relief. "You should take care of your unborn babies, Autumn. If your grandma woke up and found out you lost your babies because of her, it would be hard to bear for her and she would blame herself,"

he reminded Autumn tenderly. "So you must look after yourself, okay?"

"Okay," Autumn answered. Anthony studied psychology in the university. Under his guidance, Autumn gradually calmed down. Laying on the bed, she looked much better.

"Is the result ready?" Autumn asked Anthony.

Anthony left for a while. When he came back, he had with him the results. With a scowl, he replied in a serious tone,"There are two reasons why you had a bleeding. It's either caused by placenta previa or premature delivery."

"So, what happened to me?" Autumn asked anxiously.

"Are you nervous now?" Anthony asked. He said jokingly,"You need to know you're pregnant with twins. If I were you, I would be careful not to let them get hurt."

"Come on! Tell me now," Autumn demanded anxiously. "I checked it myself. You didn't suffer from abdominal pain and your bleeding wasn't serious. You just sustained a blow and got the preterm of labor. If you continue to get stressed like this, you're much likely to give birth prematurely," Anthony replied in a solemn tone.

"Just tell me one thing. Are my babies okay?" Autumn asked, looking nervous.

"You need to stay in bed and get some rest. You must also control your emotions," Anthony advised.


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