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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 495

Autumn lowered her head dejectedly. She didn't want to talk about what happened. Anthony sighed resignedly and changed the subject. "You've been unconscious for several days, so you must be hungry. I will bring you steamed chicken soup. I'll be back in a moment," he said and went to the kitchen.

Anthony was relieved that Autumn had regained consciousness. She had been through an ordeal and needed nourishing food to restore her health. Anthony prepared chicken soup every day hoping that Autumn would wake up. He wanted to serve her tonic food once she woke up to speed up her recovery.

He had examined Autumn thoroughly and he knew that she had regained consciousness but she was unwilling to wake up. Knowing that Autumn was pretending to be unconscious, Anthony was unwilling to disturb her.

He was still unclear what had happened to her, but he knew she must have suffered a lot.

Anthony came back with a bowl of steamed chicken soup and handed it to Autumn. "It may be a bit bland. I only added a little salt. Drink it up. Now that you have delivered your babies, you need to take good care of your health," he said gently.

"Thank you!" Autumn looked at Anthony gratefully. She owed him a lot for letting her stay in his place and taking care of her.

"No need to thank me. What are friends for?" Anthony returned with a smile. Autumn drank the soup slowly. Anthony watched her for a while, and then told her softly,"Rest more today. You have to regain your strength. I'm leaving now."

He knew that Autumn was not yet ready to talk to him about what she had gone through, so he decided to wait until she would approach him voluntarily.

"Wait," Autumn stopped him, biting her lip hesitantly. After all the unpleasant things that took place in a short time, Autumn needed a friend to confide in. In her eyes, Anthony was the best confidant.

"Are you busy today? I… I want to talk to you," Autumn asked, looking at Anthony pleadingly.

Nodding, Anthony walked back to her and settled himself at the edge of her bed. Finally, she was willing to talk. But Autumn was silent for a while as if marshaling her thoughts. Anthony frowned and said,"Charles has been combing Y City during the past days and it's only a matter of time before he finds that you're hiding in my house. You have to tell me the truth so I can help you. Otherwise, I can't stop him if he comes here to bring you and the baby back."

"Never! I won't return to that house," Autumn returned vehemently. A hint of anxiety passed her eyes before she turned cold with anger. Giving Anthony a pleading look, she said,"Please don't tell him that I'm here."

"Tell me what happened," Anthony urged her, confusion in his eyes. 'As far as I knew, they were on good terms.

Now, suddenly Autumn seems to hate Charles. I noticed the pain and anger in her eyes as she mentioned her husband's name. Autumn seems to regard Charles as a bitter enemy now and not anymore her loving husband. What's really going on here?' He shook his head at his confused thought.

"Autumn, if you don't tell me what happened, I can't help you," Anthony reminded her sternly.

Autumn leaned her head back against the pillow. The sound of Leila's voice echoing in her head made her burst into tears.

"Don't cry. You will have a relapse if you don't stop," Anthony comforted her. "If you guys have a misunderstanding, you can sit together and work it out," he reasoned with her.

"You don't understand," Autumn sighed, smiling bitterly. 'No one can understand how desperate and depressed I am now, ' she thought sadly.


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