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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 497

A hint of regret flashed in Charles' eyes as Chris mentioned Gary.

Chris glanced at her brother to make sure he was all right. "Anyway, you need to take care of your health. If you promise to do that, I will leave you alone," she offered.

Charles quickly agreed. "Fine," he replied. He would say anything to make his sister stop nagging.

The moment Charles arrived home, he summoned Nancy to his study. After several days of living like the dead, he was now determined to put his life back in order.

And the first thing he had to do was dismiss Nancy. It was now impossible to let her continue living in this house.

"I think you know why I called you here," Charles began. He spoke calmly but inside was a jumble of nerves. He had lost much weight in the last several days. His face was gaunt and covered by stubble that was quickly growing into whiskers. Since Autumn disappeared, he no longer paid attention to his appearance.

Nancy also appeared composed. "Yes, I know," she replied. It was clear why Charles asked to see her immediately. After she had taken care of Brent's funeral, Nancy had been expecting this moment. And she knew she had to leave sooner or later.

Charles looked at their long-time housekeeper. Politely, he said,"I'm sorry for what happened to your son. You have served us for many, many years and did an excellent job. But this time, I have to let you go. You cannot stay here any longer."

Charles' announcement came as no surprise. Nancy had anticipated this day would come. But she didn't expect it would be so soon. She saw Charles take something from his pocket.

He handed her an envelope. "The money is for your retirement. Take it," Charles declared. He no longer wanted to see Nancy's face in his house. Her continued stay would only be a reminder that he was responsible for Autumn's disappearance.

"I can't take it, Mr. Lu," a flustered Nancy pushed the envelope away with shaking hands. Embarrassed, she lowered her head and said,"I owe you and Mrs. Lu a lot. I had planned to leave after you found her. That way, I would feel less guilty about all this." She kept wringing her hands. "But it's been many days, and there's still no clue as to Mrs. Lu's whereabouts." Nancy raised her eyes to look at Charles. "I'm too ashamed to continue staying here."

With a bitter smile, the housekeeper admitted,"Even if you didn't ask, I've intended to leave soon. So, I can't take your money." Nancy kept her hands behind her back.

"Just take it," Charles persisted, his manner cool. "If Autumn were here, she would insist that you do," he almost mumbled.

Charles ran a hand through his hair. Without Autumn beside him, he felt something was missing inside him. And no matter how hard he tried, he remained miserable.

He thought, 'Nancy spent most of her life working for our family. Now, she's lost her son, and I have to fire her. It's hard for an old woman like her to find another job. If she doesn't take the money, I can't imagine how she would support herself.'

Charles insisted, and spoke louder,"Take it. I will feel much better if you do." Nancy felt terrible seeing her young master this way.

Finally, she nodded and accepted the money. "Mr. Lu…" she faltered. Nancy changed the topic and said earnestly,"For whatever it's worth, I believe that Mrs. Lu is still alive. She has a kind heart, and God will be on her side." She hurriedly added,"If you do find her, please let me know. I want to beg her forgiveness personally. I hope she can still forgive my son and me."

Nancy grieved for her son's death. But she was more worried about Autumn's safety.

Charles nodded. "I will," he promised. He let out a long breath as Nancy went to her room.

The following morning, Nancy left the Lu family house. As soon as she heard the news, Chris decided to move back home.

That way, she could take care of both Charles and Gary while keeping an eye on her brother.


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