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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 538

"Would you... would you be able to forgive me?" Charles asked his son. The seconds felt eternal as he was waiting expectantly for his answer.

"I won't blame you if you can't," he said interrupting the uncomfortable silence. Then Charlie replied diplomatically,"She told me that she gave birth to me secretly and you couldn't have known that; so I don't blame you for anything."

Relieved, Charles returned a warm "Thank you." He was happy that Leila had not taught Charlie to hate him. That was the least she could have done.

He hugged his son and swore to be there for him more, from now on.

"So now," Charlie started inquiring,"will you and her... you know... be together?" It was simply a curious question from a little boy; he didn't intend anything by it.

However, Charles was surprised by his question. He wasn't sure where he was going with it, so he replied hesitantly,"No, we won't."

Charles worried that Charlie would be disappointed by his answer and decided to explain,"I don't love her so I can't force myself to be with her. However, you are my son and that will never change. I may not be with her, but my love and dedication towards you will always be there."

"Does that make sense? Does it bother you?" Charles asked. He gazed at his son, worried about his reaction.

"Honestly, I knew you don't want be with her," revealed Charlie. He was a down-to-earth kid, with no unrealistic expectations. So he was in no way disappointed. "In fact," added Charlie,"I have tried to get her to realize that as well, but she just doesn't believe me."

Charles was impressed by his son's maturity. However, he still wondered if there was any other reason for his question.

So he attempted to find out,"Now that you know I won't be with her, would you like to come live with me instead?" The thought of leaving Charlie, even temporarily, was becoming hard for him to handle. All it would take was for his son to agree to live with him, and he would do whatever it took to make that happen.

Charlie was torn. That was a big decision to make, and he wasn't sure how he felt about it yet. "I can't answer that right now," concluded Charlie after a few moments of thoughtful consideration.

"Take your time," his dad encouraged him. With a loving smile, Charles added,"You can call me once you decide, or you can stop by my office and let me know as well."

He handed Charlie his business card, and as he was getting ready to leave, he reminded him,"Don't forget to let me know what you decide, okay?"

"Okay," Charlie answered. With a quick nod, Charles excused himself and left his son's room.

As soon as he stepped out of the room, he saw Leila on the phone outside, on the balcony.

Once she noticed him, she hung up immediately. With quick steps, she walked over to him and asked,"Did you finish talking to Charlie?"

Charles wanted nothing to do with her. His indifferent attitude towards Leila was no longer a minor hiccup in her plans; now, his heart had truly become impenetrable. Without even an inflection in his tone, Charles stated," Yes; do think carefully on the two choices I offered you and call me as soon as you decide."


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