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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 566

It would be terrible and wrong to spoil BM Corporation's show. The more serious consequence would be that Sheryl's career as a model would be finished.

Thanks to her cautious nature, she had checked her shoes carefully and didn't wear the glued shoes. Obviously, one of the other models was trying to sabotage Sheryl. Sue was apoplectic with rage at the trap. She thought it necessary to discover the person who did this to Sheryl. Seeing the anger on Sue's face, Sheryl tugged at Sue's arm and comforted her," Just forget it! There were no serious consequences."

She wanted this to be over. It was not worth stressing over a trivial issue. She would soon go back to the United States while the other models would continue to stay in Y City. They had signed agreements with BM Corporation to that effect. Thankfully she had signed no such agreement. She showed magnanimity and decided she would forget the incident. She wasn't expecting to be picked on and bullied.

"She just got dumb lucky. Just an unbelievable amount of luck. If only I knew breaking her shoes would bring her so much publicity, I would have torn her clothes instead. Then I wonder how she would explain that to the company," one of the models bitched backstage.

"Yes, that is what you should have done. Wonder why she is so favoured by our boss? Is she really that excellent a model? Why should she enjoy a higher salary and get special treatment? She is just an old lady with a child. It's so unfair," the other models jealously said.

"Hey!" one girl yelled at Sheryl. She seemed to be the chosen representative of the other models. Staring fiercely at Sheryl, she threatened," I am warning you. You had better give up your agreement with BM Corporation. Go back to America, or I'll destroy you. You will lose everything."

"Damn bitch! How dare you talk all this nonsense and bullshit!" Sue cursed and swiftly ran towards that girl. She was enraged. She wanted to slap that girl's face, damn the consequences. It was a knee-jerk reaction. Every time someone taunted Sheryl, she would rush in to defend Sheryl on the spot. It was not only because Sheryl was her best friend, but also because she admired Sheryl's hard-working attitude. Sheryl hurried to pull back Sue and calmed her," Just forget it. I won't lose anything just because she is spouting crap." Sheryl firmly believed in keeping far away from trouble. She was too good hearted and stable to be troubled by unwarranted provocation.

Sue did not share Sheryl's view and said solemnly," Sher, you are too soft and good-tempered. They were bullying you and may do worse things in the future. How can you tolerate this rubbish?"

"As usual Sheryl remains quiet while her follower jumps in on her behalf itching to fight," the other models sneered. They mocked and laughed at Sue for sticking her nose where it didn't belong.

Sue lost her cool and reached out to punch the speakers. Sheryl once again held her back. She stared at Sue and then cunningly asked," Mimi, if you were bitten by a dog, would you bite it back?" Sheryl couldn't bear the mockery anymore. It was useless to get angry and would lead to further frustration rather than satisfaction.

"How dare you compare me to a dog?" the woman standing foremost of the group immediately reacted with anger.

"I didn't say that. You just did and if the shoe fits who am I to dispute it," said Sheryl with a shrug.

Sheryl twisted her mouth and sneered. She took one cool step forward and kept moving. Her pace was slow but confident. She got close to the woman and loudly announced," I had decided to give up the agreement with BM Corporation. You see, I don't think as highly of that corporation as you do. However, seeing that you don't like me staying,"

Sheryl paused and stared at them with a provocative smile. She added," I must definitely stay now. Wait and see, we will soon become good colleagues." She had been struggling with her decision to stay on or leave. The provocation was a good excuse for her and gave her the push to reach a final decision. She hadn't discussed the agreement with Anthony. But inside her head, there was a small voice urging her to stay on. It would take some time to persuade Anthony but she was confident of convincing him.

The onstage host was calling out to the models to take their bows. The group stopped quarrelling and went on the stage.

The show was a huge success. George and Holley's wide smiles lit up their faces. Sheryl was the best by far, so they expressed their gratitude to her and invited her to the celebratory dinner.

Sheryl declined to attend their dinner invitation. Instead, she asked politely," Mr. Han is your offer still open?" As informed to the other models she would sign the agreement and turn it into reality as soon as possible.

"Of course it is," George replied making eye contact with Holley who was holding his arm. A grin spread across his face. He said sincerely," The agreement I showed you will never expire. You, my dear, are always welcome." Holley wanted to be Sheryl's boss so that she could wreak revenge on Sheryl. She would never forget the sufferings that Sheryl had brought for her.

"Then here are my terms — my annual salary should be increased by one third. Besides, I want the biggest apartment. You know, that 130-square-metre one. If you agree to these terms, we can sign the agreement tomorrow itself," Sheryl said loudly. Not anticipating a positive answer, she stared at George unblinkingly. The unreasonable requests were just by way of a joke. She instantly regretted bringing up the subject of signing the agreement. She shouldn't have made a solo decision. She should have discussed it with Anthony first. While George was silently considering these outlandish requests, Holley replied," Fine. We promise to give you all that you want." She didn't care about what it cost to make Sheryl stay. The most important thing for her was to revenge her sister. Holley looked at Sheryl smiling a sweet but false smile. Her words carried the same weight as George's. After all, they were a couple. George had deep feelings for her and understood her intention at once. That was the reason he agreed with her.

However, the other models turned gloomy and depressed. Most of them looked down upon Sheryl and were suspicious of her professional skills. They didn't think she deserved better treatment than themselves.


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