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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 570

Sue's face grew dark with anger and discontent. Knitting her brows, she asked coldly,"Anthony, what's going on with?"

"I..." Anthony stammered, as he realized his rude act. "I... am so sorry, I didn't mean it," the panic-stricken man apologized.

He let out a deep sigh pensively. Since Sheryl returned to Y City, he had been anxious and afraid to lose her. But for awhile, he reassured himself, 'It is impossible for Sheryl to meet Charles. After all, Y City is huge.' But, when he learned that Sheryl wasn't with Sue, he got irritated again. He could have exploded but then managed to contain himself. Anthony opened his mouth,"I was too shocked. Today is Shirley's birthday. Why would Sher celebrate with other boy's birthday?" he asked, as he squinted his eyes.

"How would I know? Have you ever paid me to keep an eye on her?" Sue responded with anger and dissatisfaction in her voice. Judging by her tone, Anthony knew she was still mad at him. He gazed at her with guilt and made an apology again. The woman's fury vanished at the sight of his sincere face. Sue started to answer Anthony's question. "Sheryl knew the little boy after coming here. She likes him very much. They often went out. Later, she also met the boy's father. Since then, the three always hang out together. I have a hunch that the boy's father has a thing for Sher. I reminded her to stay away from him so many times, but she didn't listen. I did my best," she said as she shrugged her shoulders.

Taking notice of the worried look on Anthony's face, she assured him with a smile,"But I believe there is nothing to worry about. Sher agreed to meet them simply because she adores that little boy."

"Well... do you know where she is?" Anthony asked, as he clenched his fist. 'She still met Charles, ' he thought with anxiety and rage.

"I have no idea. How about you give her a call and ask where she is?" Sue suggested. She briefly looked at Anthony, and then said,"I'm in a party. I... have to go back there."

"Sue!" Anthony called out her name, as the woman turned around in an attempt to walk away. Slightly embarrassed, he scratched his head and said,"Well... I'm really sorry for yelling at you. By the way, you look great today."

Flattered, she flushed and lowered her head. After a while, Sue leered at Anthony. "Come on man, stop apologizing. Hurry up and find Sher!" she urged. Then she turned around and started walking back to her party.

As Anthony watched Sue's shadow disappear, he took his cell phone from his pocket, called up Sheryl and asked,"Hi Sher, where are you?" Being ignorant of her boyfriend's return to Y City with her daughter, she blurted out the address of the hotel. The man hang up the phone as soon as he learned Sheryl's location.

Disappointed at not seeing her mother, Shirley tugged at Anthony's right arm. "Tony, where did Sher go? Why is she not here?" she asked in a cheerless voice.

"Your mom left for another kid's birthday party an hour ago. Don't worry Shirley, I'm taking you to her," Anthony replied with a stern look. 'Sheryl, I ardently hope... that we're as good as before, ' he thought.

Anthony had lived in Y City for a long time. Even though he was away from it for several years, no big changes had taken place. The restaurant that Sheryl told him about was quite famous in Y city. So, it didn't take him a long time to find the place.

Anthony and Shirley arrived at the restaurant. He spoke to the receptionist and found out where the birthday celebration was being held. He got the private room's number and went straight to it. The door was closed but he heard the cheerful laughter coming from inside. He froze immediately and lost the courage to push the door open.

He was definitely afraid of losing Sheryl. The thought that she might fall in love with someone else temporarily paralyzed him.

When Shirley recognized Sheryl's voice coming from inside, she tried her best to push and slowly open the door. As she spotted her mother, the little girl gave a bright smile and sprinted towards her.

"Hey Sher!" the little girl called out cheerfully. When Sheryl heard her daughter's voice, she was stunned and even thought she was dreaming. But, she soon realized it wasn't a dream. The sight of her lovely daughter dashing to her was so real and joyful.

Apart from Sheryl, all the party guests' eyes were fixated on the bubbly, little girl.


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