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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 575

"Really?" Sheryl asked surprised. "Do you really think this place is better than America, Shirley?" Recent events had made Sheryl actually reconsider her current circumstances. However, she wanted to find out how Shirley felt about it too.

"Yes, I like here," replied the little girl. She kept thinking to herself, 'America is just so different. But here... here I have my friends, like Amanda and Charlie. Also, they are all like me, with my skin color, facial features and dark hair, different from those children in America who are all blondes.'

"Tell me, if we were to live here and never come back to America, would you like it?" Sheryl continued. "Or if you had to attend school here, could you get used to it?"

"If we stayed here, could I play with Amanda?" asked Shirley. Her sweet voice and innocent look made it look like she was asking to stay, not just considering it.

Sheryl stood no chance against her cuteness. Her heart melted, and she quickly replied,"Absolutely, my love." Shirley hesitated to confirm for a few seconds, but once she finished processing the offer in her little mind, she nodded in agreement. "Okay Mom, I am willing to live here."

Sheryl cared a lot about her opinion. She didn't want to do anything that her little daughter would not feel comfortable with.

So hearing her say those words sealed the deal for Sheryl as well.

"Autu…… Uhm... Miss Xia?" Isla called out to her from behind. Sheryl had taken Shirley out to a locale near Cloud Advertising Company. That was also where Isla regularly went to, during her afternoon tea break.

"Miss Zhao?" said Sheryl after taking a second look at her. A few seconds earlier, her eyesight had quickly brushed over Isla's image failing to register who she was. The previous night Isla had worn an exquisite dress, giving her a completely different allure. But at that locale, standing in front of her was different Isla, a competent, professional businesswoman in a suit.

So it took Sheryl a few moments to discern who she was.

"What are you doing here?" inquired Isla quite excitedly. She was so excited that she even grabbed Sheryl's hand while asking that question. However, Sheryl was not too receptive to her gesture.

Gently pulling her hand away from her, Sheryl answered,"I was just taking Shirley around. This is her first time in China." She then tried to reciprocate Isla's kind interest by asking back,"And you Miss Zhao? What are you doing here?"

"My company is near here. And I am coming out to buy some tea or food for my employees. They really appreciate these small attentions. But, I'm so glad that I ran into you," Isla expressed in an attempt to bridge the gap that time and memory loss had put in between them.

However, Sheryl kept it casual by stating with a respectful nod,"You are a good boss, Miss Zhao." Isla's sight was fixed in Sheryl's direction trying to make sense of the situation. 'Autumn, how did you forget everything?' she kept wondering in disbelief.

'The company is still yours. It is you that always came out here to buy food.'

"Auntie, where is Amanda?" Shirley timidly interrupted her thoughts, while pulling on her suit's hem.

"She is at home. Do you miss her?" Isla elaborated happily. She kept looking lovingly into Shirley's eyes, noticing just how similar they were to Autumn's. "If you miss her, then tomorrow I will bring her out to play with you; how about that?" Isla went on, grabbing the opportunity to see them again.

"Great!" exclaimed Shirley enthusiastically. Isla then straightened up and addressed her old friend,"Miss Xia, let's exchange phone numbers, and tomorrow I will have someone pick you up."

"You don't have to bother yourself about it," Sheryl replied shyly. She didn't want to be a nuisance for Isla.

"Nonsense! It would actually be my pleasure. Amanda is always talking about Shirley, and Shirley also has no playmates here; so it would be good for both of them to hang out, and it is no trouble for me at all." Isla was quite excited about it. This was her chance to have some bonding time with Autumn, which she had been dreaming about since she was pregnant. Her dream was finally coming true.

Sheryl eventually agreed and after arranging all the logistics of the next day, excused herself politely. She took Shirley back to the hotel, and then called Sue to invite her out for dinner.

However, Sue's line was consistently ringing busy. So with a deflated sigh, Sheryl gave up after several attempts. 'Perhaps some time afterwards, Sue would feel at ease with me, ' thought Sheryl.


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