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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 579

"So, what happened after that? Did he find her?" The love story of Charles and Autumn had captured Sheryl's imagination. Who could resist such a wonderful story? Charles loved autumn deeply. She believed that a love like that was a gift from God and being separated from one another was a great tragedy.

Isla shook her head, throwing Sheryl an ironic look. "Autumn has been missing for three years. I'm her best friend and I nearly gave up on finding her. But Charles has never given up looking for her and insists that Autumn is still alive."

'Loving Autumn so much, Charles must have felt instinctively that his wife is still alive, ' Sheryl sighed. 'It's hard to imagine what he must have been through during those years. It's his firm belief that Autumn is alive that keeps him going.'

Sheryl had no idea why their story tugged at her heartstrings and why she cared so much what happened to them.

"Something is off…" Sheryl said as an afterthought. Frowning at Isla, she asked,"If Charles truly loved Autumn to such an extent like what you said, how come he had an affair with Leila and had Charlie as a result?"

At the mention of Leila, Isla's countenance became grim. "Nobody knows for sure what kind of relationship Charles had with Leila. Before Autumn vanished, Leila had been scheming to steal Charles away from Autumn through any means possible. She had many tricks up her sleeve. Later, she also disappeared around the same time as Autumn. When she came back, everybody was shocked to learn that she has a little boy. I also don't know where the boy came from."

Sighing, Isla explained to Sheryl,"Miss Xia, Leila is a person of no consequence. Charles has never been interested in her. Even with her son, she can't change anything. In Charles' heart and mind, Autumn is the only woman that mattered."

"Why exactly are you telling me these things?" From the beginning, Sheryl had an odd feeling that Isla was trying hard to explain Charles and Autumn's story to her. It was as if she was explaining Charles' side of the story to her. But what could be her relation to all these things?

Whoever Charles loved, Autumn or Leila, was not her business. She was just listening as a third party. As interesting as their story was to her, she would soon forget about it.

"I'm sorry, Miss Xia, you must think I'm a blabbermouth." Shaking her head, Isla realized that it was understandable for Sheryl to be confused. Sheryl had no idea that she was Autumn who had lost her memory. She didn't know that Isla was explaining for Charles' sake. "It's just that you look like my friend. So every time I see you, I can't help but think about her."

Sheryl's eyes widened. "So you mean I look like your friend, Autumn?" Strangely enough, the information upset her. Sheryl didn't mind if Isla mistook her for Autumn but she felt bad because Charles might have also thought the same as Isla. Knowing how Charles felt about Autumn, Sheryl felt uncomfortable.

What if Charles thought she was Autumn and that was why he was pursuing her?

"Yes, you really look like her." Laughing wryly, Isla said,"Don't mind me, Miss Xia. Today, I just really needed someone to talk to. As Autumn has been missing for such a long time, I have no one to confide in. As it is, I just have too much to say to her and when I saw you, I just got carried away."

"It's all right." Sheryl laughed and said,"I am greatly honored that you shared such a touching love story to me."

"Miss Xia…" Reaching for Sheryl's hands, Isla said,"I heard that you came to Y City for business. Now that you have finished your work here, would you consider living here for good?"

"I'm thinking about it." Smiling slightly, Sheryl confided to Isla,"Actually, I really like Y City, and I'm seriously thinking if I will go back to America or stay here."

"So, what about just living here?" Eagerly waiting for Sheryl's reply, Isla saw the confusion in her eyes and explained,"What I mean is you can just stay here with us. I have never seen Amanda so compatible with someone. She really hits it off with Shirley. I think it's fate that brought you here," Isla said. "I hope you can stay here."

Without saying anything, Sheryl just smiled noncommittally.

Her mind drifted to Leila. She thought that she must be going a little crazy because all her efforts in ensnaring Charles were fruitless.

Suddenly a thought entered Sheryl's mind that made her sit up straight. 'Leila blamed me for hiding her son. Is there a possibility that Charlie is missing?' The thought made her uneasy. She had grown to love that little boy and she couldn't bear if something bad happened to him.


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