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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 581

Anthony couldn't help but asked Sheryl for confirmation when he heard about Charles's visit. "Did he come to see you?" Anthony asked with knitted eyebrows which showed his displeasure. "What did he want?" he added.

"Nothing," Sheryl replied shortly. She didn't expect this might upset Anthony even more. In fact, Sheryl really didn't know the purpose of Charles's visit today. And she was not interested to know anyway. However, Anthony didn't believe her. With a frown, he asked a question that Sheryl didn't expect. "Sher, do you really value his words more than mine?"

Aghast, Sheryl asked in return,"What are you talking about?" She couldn't hide the surprised look on her face. She really couldn't understand why Anthony would always lose his temper whenever things would involve Charles. It actually gave her a headache already. "He came to see me but I sent him away. Don't you believe me at all?"

Anthony went blank for a moment after hearing Sheryl's words. He felt bad after realizing that he seemed to have misunderstood her. Now, he couldn't help asking himself, 'Since when had things become wired between us?'

To make it up to her, he immediately replied,"Sher, you know that's not what I meant." As much as possible, he didn't want to make things worse between them so he needed to make Sheryl understand him. Despite feeling nervous, he tried to pull Sheryl's hands to hold them, but she just shrugged him off. "Anthony, when did you become so sensitive? Why don't you believe me any more?" Her voice was full of resentment.

"No. I just..." He still tried to explain but couldn't find the right words to say. Well, It took two to tango. They had been together for quite a while now and whatever the situations were right now, both of them should be held liable. "I believe you. I just don't trust him," he uttered in exasperation.

Sheryl felt exhausted dealing with this topic. She found it really useless to argue about it. So, she tried to find something to talk about. She stared at Anthony quietly while contemplating. After a while, she said,"About the contract, I have considered the consequences. I also asked Shirley's opinion about it. She likes staying here and she wishes to study here. So..." It took a while before she could finish what she wanted to say. She took a deep breath before she continued. "I would grant her wish and I've decided to stay."

She did her best to sound as convincing as possible, not wanting to get any negative comments from Anthony. She was really wondering why they would always fight every time they met. She had always wanted to have a good, peaceful, and calm conversation with him every time they talked, but things would always happen the other way around. Anxiously waiting for his reaction, she couldn't help but wish that this time, Anthony wouldn't oppose her.

Fortunately, Anthony smiled. Well, he also contemplated a lot. Since Sheryl wanted to stay, he would respect her decision.

"What a coincidence! Actually, I wanted to..." He stopped for a while. He could see Sheryl's expectant look. She was waiting for him to finish what he wanted to say. "I wanted to talk about that with you too," he continued. Before saying more, he let out a soft laugh. "If you wanted to stay, I have no objection to it. But..." It seemed like he had more to say. Sheryl stayed quiet waiting for him to continue. "I'd like to remind you..." He intentionally kept his words hanging to see Sheryl's reactions to every word he just said.

"What is it?" Sheryl couldn't wait any longer. She felt like Anthony was deliberately keeping his words hanging so she immediately asked without waiting for him to finish. In her mind, Sheryl thought that Anthony just wanted to warn her again to stay away from Charles. But she was wrong this time. What Anthony wanted to say was about BM Corporation.

Anthony frowned slightly and continued,"I tried to do some investigations on BM Corporation, but whenever I wanted to dig deeper, it seemed that someone would block my way. I felt like someone wanted to stop me from investigating. Isn't it so weird? So, I would advise, if you must sign the contract, I hope you would also keep an eye on it."

What Anthony found out was all the models in BM Corporation signed five-year contract and this made him worried.

"I got it," Sheryl promptly responded. She gently nodded her head to show to Anthony that she understood his point. She felt relieved that they could finally talk.

She cast a glance at Anthony and said,"Anthony, there's really nothing between Charles and me. I hope you would believe it."

She paused for a moment before she continued. "Whether it was in the past, in the present or in the future, there's nothing between us. We are like two people living in two different worlds. I hope you can trust me with that."

A hint of pleasure showed in Anthony's eyes after he heard what Sheryl said. "Silly woman." Anthony couldn't help but laugh. He felt happy of what he heard. He stretched out his hand to caress Sheryl's hair and said,"It's all because I care for you."

"I know." Sheryl couldn't help but bow down her head to hide her flushing face because of Anthony's gesture. She couldn't resist his sweet approach. To hide her nervousness, she also let out a soft laugh and said,"So, in the future, don't be silly to have a fight with Charles, okay? Look at you, you're already a grown up. Save me from some worries, alright?"

Sheryl let out a sigh and look up to meet Anthony's gaze. She continued,"What if you got your fingers burned, who would you hold responsible for it? Who would you blame?"


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