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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 602

Leila stretched out her arms and hugged Charles tightly. In a sob, she said,"If you want, you, Charlie and I can live a happy life too. I will take good care of you and our family. Charlie is a sensible and considerate child. For sure he will be very happy if we live together."

Charles got annoyed of what he heard. All the while, Leila had been saying that the reason why she kept on coming every day was to visit Charlie. But now that Charles was in front of her, all she could say was about their future. He forcefully broke free from Leila's hug and pushed her away. Since Leila already had a sprained ankle, she easily lost her balance and fell to the ground again.

Her hands were cut by some pebbles on the ground. Blood started to drip but she seemed not to notice it. It was also painful but Leila had already became numb. She didn't mind the pain. She just stared at Charles who was standing in front her. Charles' indifferent behavior was more painful than the cuts in her hands. She bitterly asked,"Charles, do you… do you really hate me this much?"

"Yes," Charles replied curtly. Then he continued,"At least you are smart enough to know that I hate you. And I'm telling you this only once: Even if you were the only woman left in this world, I would rather die alone than marry you."

Charles felt so stupid for thinking that Leila might have already changed. Now, he realized that this woman was hopeless. Leila was getting more and more annoying in his eyes.

"You…" Leila was too angry to utter a word. She clenched her fists and was finally able to shout,"Fine! Since you have admitted to hate me that much, then, give my child back to me. We will leave this city forever and I will take care of him alone. We will stay away from you and never bother you and Sheryl for the rest of our lives."

"If you want to leave, then go!" Charles shouted back. "But, I will never let you take my son. He's staying with me." Charles continued,"You don't own Charlie. You hid him from me for so many years and I didn't even know his exist. Now that he's with me, you can never take him away anymore."

"Are you trying to make me lose everything?" Leila glared at Charles furiously.

"If you want to see Charlie, you are always welcome to see him," Charles answered. Charles wasn't that cruel. After all, Leila was Charlie's mother. So, he didn't intend to totally tear them apart.

"No way!" Leila obviously didn't agree to Charles' idea. Then, she added firmly,"No matter what, I'm already determined to take Charlie back. I've never wanted your money. All I ever want is my child."

"Leila..." Charles was getting impatient. Deep creases had started showing on his forehead. "You gave birth to Charlie without my knowledge. I should have blamed you for hiding it from me but I didn't. Anyway, things already happened. However…"

Charles paused for a while before he continued,"Now that I know about him and I have acknowledged him as the child of the Lu family, there is no way that you can take him from me again. I hope you are clear with that."

"You are really forcing me to die, aren't you?" Leila was already frustrated. She had spent lots of efforts and she had done so many things in the past just to have Charles. Otherwise, why would she take Charlie away from Autumn?

In the past few years, Leila brought up and took good care of Charlie. She did everything for him. And she would never allow Charles, Charlie and Autumn to live happily together while she went down the drain. No!

Leila took a deep breath and calmly said,"Charles, the reason why I came here today is to ask Charlie to go with me. He is my child and no one can ever change that fact." Leila realized that shouting and getting angry would only make the situation worse. Charlie became more persistent in keeping Charlie. So she thought of changing her tactic. "As for you," she paused for a moment before she continued,"you and Sheryl will have your own child in the future. You can even have more children. As for me, I only have Charlie. He is my only child. I hope you could understand now why I am very eager to get him back."


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