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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 626

The reason why Sheryl got angry was because Charles seemed not to care for his body and his health. He was aware that he had not fully recovered from his injuries yet, so how could he let Shirley climb up his back and play horseback riding?

Sheryl decided that if Charles kept on doing this without taking his health into consideration, she and Sheryl would leave because their stay here would cause him trouble.

Seeing that Sheryl held Shirley's hand and was about to leave, Charles immediately grabbed her hand and asked with inexplicable confidence,"Do you care about me?"

"Let go of my hand!" Sheryl shrieked. Then she growled,"It's useless to care about you because you don't even care about yourself. I think you don't need me anymore so I won't be coming here anymore starting tomorrow. Take care of yourself."

"Sher..." Charles held her hand more tightly. At that moment, he was really scared that Sheryl wouldn't come back anymore when he let her go.

"Don't leave," he pleaded. He looked at Sheryl with hurt and uneasiness in his eyes.

This kind of gaze moved Sheryl at once. Finally, she didn't shake Charles' hand off. Instead, she said to him in a cold voice,"You don't need me anymore. Why won't you let me go?"

Charles didn't answer. He just stared at Sheryl for quiet a while. After a long and awkward silence, Charles finally found his voice,"Sher, I... I'll listen to you. But please, just stay." "As long as you don't leave, I'll listen to everything you say," Charles promised.

Somehow, Sheryl's heart softened. She hesitated for a moment, and finally said,"Remember what you have just said today. If you break your words, don't blame me for not giving you another chance."

"Okay," he responded quickly. As soon as he confirmed that Sheryl would stay, he instantly put on a big smile and repeated his words,"As long as you stay, I'll listen to everything you say."

Sheryl had no other choice but to just look at Charles with resignation. He was as happy as a child.

Sheryl crouched down to talk to Shirley who was standing beside her. "Shirley, listen. Uncle Lu has injuries on his back so you can't sit on his shoulders just like that next time. Do you understand?"

"Sher, I'm sorry," Shirley immediately apologized. She looked at Sheryl with worry and fear. She didn't want to annoy her because she was scared that Sheryl would go to that kind of sleep again and she couldn't wake her up. As a little girl, she didn't know what faint was so she assumed that Sheryl just fell asleep suddenly this morning.

"I'll be obedient. Just don't fall asleep all of a sudden again," she added.

"Don't worry, I'll never fall asleep that way again," Sheryl comforted Shirley. Hearing Shirley's innocent words, she felt really sorry. She heaved a sigh and said,"Go and play with Charlie. Mom will cook lunch for you."

If she hadn't bought a lot of vegetables last night, she wouldn't have known what she could cook today.

When Charles heard what Sheryl said, he furrowed his brows and reminded her,"Haven't I said that I would cook lunch for you today?"

"You?" Sheryl threw Charles a skeptical look. "Are you sure that you can cook?" Sheryl asked to make sure.

"I..." Charles hesitated for a moment. He looked at Sheryl with a little embarrassment. It seemed that he wasn't so confident of his cooking skill. But he already said it so he wanted to uphold his words. "Of course I can," he answered. This time, his voice sounded firm.

"Really?" Sheryl still didn't want to believe him. In the end, Cheryl decided to give Charles a chance to prove himself. Then, Charles went to the kitchen. When he was about to start cooking, Sheryl tried to offer a help but Charles refused. Instead, he told her to just wait outside. "All you need to do is wait for now and eat later."

After almost an hour, Charles finally came out of the kitchen. In his hands was a steaming bowl of noodles.

He cooked noodles but what was in the bowl looked more like a flour soup. He must have boiled the noodles for too long causing them to become much too mushy. There were also some green vegetables floating in the bowl.

Charles tried to cover his embarrassment with a sweet smile and said,"I've tried my best."

"This is what you cooked?" Sheryl was really surprised. It was unbelievable! Charles spent almost an hour in the kitchen and only cooked this noodle.


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