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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 631

A smile appeared on David's face when he received a call from Charles. Just a few days back, he had made a blunder. He didn't know what Charles was going to do with him. So when Charles called him to buy breakfast for him, he was so happy and wanted to take this opportunity to make up for his mistake.

"Mr. Lu, I've brought your breakfast. And here are two more documents for you to sign." David respectfully kept the documents in front of Charles and said,"It's been several days since you have been to office. And since these documents are important, I take the opportunity of getting the documents for your signature."

Charles quickly signed on the documents and handed them to David without even looking at him. After a while when he saw him standing, he frowned and asked,"Why are you still there? Leave at once."

"Mr. Lu..." Charles rose from the sofa at his living room and turned back towards. David took a look at Charles who stood just in front of him and asked,"Emm... How is Mrs. Lu?"

He just wanted to find out what was going on in Charles' mind for the mistake he had committed and what could be its repercussions.

"I haven't settled with you over this, but I didn't expect you to bring it up," Charles retorted angrily. Then marking the fear on David's face, he sighed and said,"Never mind, you go back to work first."

Yes, David made this farce. But as a result of that, Charles at least got a chance to spend a night alone with Sheryl. That had mellowed down his anger on David to a large extent. Still he spoke in a stern voice,"But I warn you, if you fool me again in the future, I will definitely punish you."

"Mr. Lu, please trust me. I dare not... It was my fault. I am extremely sorry. I assure you, it will never happen again, Mr. Lu," David stammered as he spoke to Charles.

"Oh my god, it's almost nine o 'clock. Why didn't my alarm clock go off?" Before going to bed, Sheryl deliberately set the alarm clock to get up early and prepare breakfast. But the alarm clock did not ring and even Charles did not wake her up.

As she came out of the room, she didn't notice that there was another man in the living room. At the very first sight of Charles, she blurted out,"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I wanted you to sleep longer." Charles had gone into her room and turned off her alarm clock so that she could have more rest. "Don't worry, breakfast is ready."

"This is..." Sheryl took a glance at the dining table to find the food parcels and then at David. She had a surprised look on her face as she turned to Charles and asked,"This is..."

"Mrs. Lu?" David stood still staring at Sheryl with utter surprise. What on earth was actually going on here? Why was she at Charles' house? Charles had not been going to work these days. Was it because of her?

In a flash, David had many questions in his mind, but asked none.

Sheryl took a look at David who stood in front of her bewildered. After hearing the two words coming out of his mouth, Sheryl knew that this was another person who had mistaken her for Autumn.

She could not help but frown. 'Me and Autumn, do we look really so similar?' she wondered.

"Sorry, you have mistaken me for someone else. I am not Autumn," she replied sharply.

Since she had met Charles, she had to explain this to people countless times. So much so that she had become impatient by now.

She was who she was. She was Sheryl. She was not Autumn.


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