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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 636

"Mom, I..." Anthony said reluctantly. He initially wanted to tell his parents about Sheryl. But on second thought, he decided to just mention it after dinner. His mother didn't like Sheryl and he didn't want her to think that his intention of coming today was not to visit them but to talk about Sheryl.

So, instead of continuing his conversation with his mother, he decided to just shut up.

"That's enough!" Carlson approached them to alleviate the situation. "Laura, please take it easy. Anthony's just arrived. Don't mention those unhappy things and just leave him alone. I bet he's already starving after such a long trip. Is our dinner ready?"

"Right, right! I almost forgot that your favorite chicken is stewing on the stove. I'll go and check it," Laura blurted hurriedly with a big smile. "Have a seat, son. Have some fruits first while waiting. Dinner will be ready in one minute," she added before hurrying back to the kitchen.

After Laura rushed to the kitchen, Anthony sat on the sofa with his father. He took a strawberry to his mouth. With his father siding him just a moment ago, Anthony thought that he maybe could accept Sheryl faster than his mother. Suddenly, he remembered something so he reached out for his suitcase and took out a watch that he bought from abroad. It was actually a limited edition watch and he waited for three months before he could get it. "Dad, I remember that you mentioned last time that you wanted this watch. Sheryl bought it for you. You know what? It took her three months! Please try it. I believe it will suit you perfectly!"

Carlson took the watch and examined it with an expressionless face. A moment later, he raised his head and looked at Anthony. "So, you came here again because of that woman, right?"

"Dad!" Anthony couldn't help to raise his voice. He frowned and added,"Please don't talk that way about her. Her name is Sheryl. And I love her." Anthony's voice was firm.

"All right," Carlson said disapprovingly as he shrugged his shoulders. "Son, I don't care what her name is and I don't want to hear anything about her, especially from you. Don't waste your time on me. Anyway, your mom won't accept her and neither will I." "Look at this watch. Do you think I'd believe she could afford it? As far as I've known, she's merely a fameless model. Laura and I won't change our attitude towards her even if she would buy expensive gifts for us every time, especially when we're full aware that you are the one paying them for her."

Anthony was a little embarrassed. He had thought that his parents might be pleased if he sent them gifts on behalf of Sheryl. It turned out that they had seen through him and nothing had really changed.

"Dad, please! You were always supportive of me regardless of my decisions since I was a little boy," he reminded Carlson. "Please stand up for me again this time and help me convince mom to accept Sheryl," he pleaded. "She's the one that I have been waiting for," he earnestly said. He was really hoping that his father would take his side this time.

"Listen, son. It's different this time," Carlson retorted. "This time, I'm siding with your mom. We won't accept her as long as we're alive. Don't ever think about it!" There was a note of finality in Carlson's voice.

"Dad, please..." Anthony didn't want to give up. Anthony wanted to convince his father more but they were interrupted by Laura's cheerful voice from the kitchen,"Come on here now! Dinner's ready! Go wash your hands first."

However, neither Anthony nor Carlson replied to her. They didn't even stand up from the sofa. After getting no response for quite a while, Laura came to them. She felt that the atmosphere between the father and son was weird so she immediately understood that they might have a misunderstanding. She walked towards Carlson and patted him heavily on the shoulder. "Save your words for now, Carlson. I won't forgive you if you piss Anthony off this time. Have you forgotten how he ran away from us the last time? Come on!"

"I wouldn't be surprised," Carlson replied coldly. "Let's have dinner first," he then stood up and directly went to the dining room. He was too annoyed to explain everything to his wife.

Laura turned to Anthony. She grabbed his hands and said,"Son, you know your father. He's a great man, except for his bad temper and his big mouth. If he said anything unpleasant, please don't bother yourself arguing with him, okay?"

"Mom, we're good here. Let's have dinner first," Anthony consoled Laura as if nothing had happened. He still held on the hope that his father would take his side later.

Laura made a table full of dishes for Anthony and she urged him to eat more. She kept on putting different food in his plate. Looking at the pile of food in front of him, he complained,"Mom, stop picking up food for me anymore. Look at my plate! I already don't know which one to eat first." "Please help yourself with the dishes. And Dad too!"


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