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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 643

Anthony left Junia alone outside the cinema. Junia didn't have the strength to shout anymore. She didn't do anything but watch Anthony's receding figure. When Anthony arrived home, he saw his mother lying leisurely on the sofa while watching a sitcom. Laura was so surprised to see Anthony back home so soon. She sensed that something went wrong, so her merriment turned into worry.

Laura immediately interrogated Anthony,"Anthony, why are you home so soon? Aren't you supposed to spend more time with Junia?" "You should have had dinner together after the movie. Then you should have taken her home," Laura kept on nagging to Anthony.

"Mom, Junia is old enough to go home by herself. I don't think there could be any threat to her safety," Anthony replied dryly. "We couldn't think of anything more to do, so we parted ways after seeing the movie," he added.

Laura didn't have any choice but to let it pass. Instead, she asked,"So, what do you think about her?" Before Anthony could answer, she added,"I think Junia is very appropriate to be your wife. We can arrange your wedding immediately..."

"Mom!" Anthony interrupted her remaining words. "If it were not because of our compromise, I wouldn't have gone to the movie with her. Please don't forget about that. I don't want to have anything to do with Junia anymore in the future, so please let this matter drop.

Mom, please don't bother to arrange any blind dates for me ever again," he requested.

Anthony looked at Laura meaningfully and reminded her,"Since I have already fulfilled my promise to see a movie with Junia, it's now your turn to fulfill yours. I will arrange your meeting with Sheryl very soon."

Upon hearing it, Laura couldn't help but express her displeasure,"Junia is much more suitable to be your wife than Sheryl."

"Mom..." Hearing Laura insulting Sheryl brought much agitation to Anthony. He knew that Sheryl would really be hurt if she could hear them.

"Okay, just let this matter drop as well," Laura resigned. "Rest assured, I will fulfill my promise to meet Sheryl to see if she could be accepted into our family."

Anthony was satisfied with his mother's answer. "In that case, I will need to leave tomorrow," he said.

"Why such a sudden change? I thought you intended to stay longer and spend more time with us," Laura complained. Laura felt very anxious to be separated from her son again.

However, Laura also knew that Anthony was very eager to let them meet Sheryl.

"It's a must, mom. Please understand," Anthony replied calmly. "By the way, I will go out for dinner, so please have dinner with dad, okay?" Anthony kissed his mother on the cheek and then left.

At the Sun family house

As soon as Junia reached home, she immediately locked herself in her room. Jasmine was so worried that she immediately came to Junia's room and knocked on her door.

"Mom, leave me alone! I am too ashamed of myself!" Junia shouted in between her sobs. Junia was deeply hurt but she didn't want to see anyone for now. So, she tried to find comfort by hugging the pillows around her.

Junia had always been the apple of the eyes of everyone. She was used to getting everything she'd wanted. That was why she now felt dejected after Anthony rejected her.

She couldn't accept the fact that the man she thought would be her husband just turned her down in an instant.


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