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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 648

Sheryl lowered her head slightly as if nothing had happened. She did not look at Sue nor Anthony. She simply kept to herself.

Noticing Sheryl's reaction, Anthony told Sue,"I just arrived, and haven't had time to tell you yet."

Sue smiled and asked,"What is it? Are you going out?"

"Yes," replied Anthony,"we're going out to have something to eat. Would you like to join us?" His tone, however, gave him away.

Sue realized that Anthony was just being polite, so she shook her head in refusal and lied,"No, no, I... I've already had my dinner. Thank you though."

She then threw him a half-smile and felt the need to add,"Let's eat together next time. I won't bother you now."

Sue obviously didn't mean it, but couldn't show that.

Although she had a fall out with Sheryl, she could not let Anthony know so; otherwise, he would be done with her as well.

That meant she would not stand a chance with him any longer. So she tried her best to put on an act for his sake.

Anthony was no fool, however. He knew something was up. Thankfully, the elevator opened up shortly after her words. He faked a smile too, and tried to end the awkward conversation. "All right, well... will see you later then." With a respectful nod towards Sue, he grabbed Sheryl's hand and stepped inside the elevator.

As soon as the doors closed, he turned his face to Sheryl and inquired,"Ok Sher, what is going on with you?"

Startled, Sheryl could only let out a confused "Huh?" With her eyebrows raised high, she looked at him and asked,"Sorry, what did you say?"

Anthony clarified on a slow pace,"I want to know... what happened between you and Sue. You two are acting quite strange today."

Sheryl didn't want Anthony to know anything. So, in true reverse psychology style, she joked,"Oh you know, we fight over guys every day." She went on forcing a laugh and pretended like nothing was wrong. "C'mon! You're overthinking it. There isn't anything going on between us. We are good friends."

That left Anthony even more confused. Therefore, he insisted,"But you two... didn't even exchange a word just now."

Fortunately, the elevator reached the ground floor quickly. So Sheryl took the opportunity and changed the subject,"All right. Hurry up." She grabbed Anthony's hand and pulled him out of the elevator saying,"I'm hungry."

He eventually gave up and replied,"Ok, fine. Let's go." Then, heading over to a fancy car parked nearby, Anthony opened the passenger door for Sheryl to get inside. Sheryl didn't know where Anthony had gotten the car from, but she didn't ask either. They both got in and he started heading towards the suburbs. About half an hour later, they stopped in a dark, though full parking lot. The place looked eerie. Sheryl could not help but feel apprehensive; so she asked him,"Are you sure this is the right place?"

"Yes," Anthony confirmed with a nod. At the sight of Sheryl's suspicious look, he continued,"We're not there yet, though. We have to get out of the car and walk for a few more minutes."

Sheryl hesitated for a moment. She really did not feel like getting out of the car. So she tried to reason with Anthony,"Would you double check the location details, please? This can't be the right place."

"Just trust me for once," Anthony pleaded. With an unrecognizable twinkle in his eyes, he added,"And hurry up now, or you'll really lose your seat."

Just around the corner, they could spot one lighted side of a majestic restaurant, in a semi-secluded location at the top of a mountain. It offered the most spectacular views of the whole city, and people were packed like sardines in the lines for the cable car. If Sheryl hadn't lost her memories, she would have recognized the place. It was the Peak Restaurant, where Charles had also brought her many years ago.


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