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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 652

Sheryl smiled bitterly and asked softly,"Charles, who do you think you are hugging? Is it Autumn or me?"

She had already known she was Autumn. There was no difference no matter he took her as herself or Autumn. But she couldn't help but tease Charles with the question.

She just couldn't accept the fact that she was Autumn.

"Don't you know how much I love you?" Charles asked bitterly. He withdrew his hands and sorrowfully stared at her eyes.

He had suffered enough. He wondered why Sheryl still couldn't read the content of his heart.

"You love me? I don't know that." Sheryl turned back to face Charles and said,"I just know I'm Sheryl. I'm Anthony's girlfriend and we are going to be married soon."

Sheryl cast a glance at Charles and said,"I have told you everything clearly and hope you won't bother my life anymore. Why don't you listen to me?"

"Come with me!" Charles grasped Sheryl's wrist suddenly and dragged her out of the ward. Taken aback, Sheryl patted Charles' hand with all her strength but couldn't shake it off.

"Let go of me, Charles!" Sheryl screamed. Charles didn't care about what she said and dragged her into the elevator. As the door of the elevator closed, he saw Anthony staring at him. He stood outside the elevator, as his face got pale out of anger and shock. Charles flashed a cold smile towards his competitor.

From then on, the battle between the two men began. Charles decided not to give way this time.

"Charles! You are crazy!" Sheryl yelled. Sheryl didn't saw Anthony and tried her best to get rid of Charles' hand. Charles got a bit annoyed and warned Sheryl,"If you dare to struggle more, I will kiss you!"

Sheryl's face blushed red when she heard his warning. She became quiet immediately and stopped fidgeting in fear that Charles would do as he said.

Charles felt delighted as Sheryl stopped struggling. But he immediately got a tad sad because he realized she was just taken aback by his warning.

After they got out of the elevator, Charles pulled Sheryl and walked towards his car. He opened the door and pushed Sheryl inside his car. She kept asking him where he would take her to but he didn't answer any of her questions.

Sheryl felt more and more nervous as they got increasingly far away from the hospital. She grasped the seat belt, put it on and asked Charles,"Where are we going?"

"You will know when we arrive." Charles still refused to tell her. While she was in panic, her cellphone suddenly rang. The call was from Anthony.

Sheryl picked up the cellphone immediately and said,"Anthony, I..."


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