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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 673

The nurse laughed sarcastically and said to George,"We were so astonished to see that such a beautiful girl nearly got disfigured by your mother. I'll feel pity for her if that happened!"

"It's impossible!" said George in disbelief. "There is no way that my mother would do such a thing."

In George's eyes, Donna was a mother whom he knew to be kind, tolerant and elegant. She would never do such a disgraceful thing. 'How could she be here? She didn't even know which hospital Holley is in, ' George thought.

"So you want to imply that we're all lying to you?" said the nurse with a sneer on her face. "Come and have a look at your girlfriend's face. How do you explain that scar? Would you say that it was us who left that scar on her face?"

she mockingly said as she turned Holley's face to George. Holley's swollen, red face was clearly shown to him. Some parts of her face still had fresh scratches. She looked miserable.

Her lips were swollen too. The moment she found George was looking at her she suddenly looked away. She said to the nurse,"I'm fine Miss. Please stop talking about it."

"Is this Mr. Han?" The doctor also couldn't contain himself and commented that such a beautiful girl shouldn't be beaten. He grinned with dissatisfaction and told George,"I wanted to stay out of your business because this is about your family."

The doctor stopped for some time and continued to speak,"But Miss Ye is now my patient. I have the right to protect my patient."

He looked at George. "I don't care what conflicts are there between your mother and Miss Ye. Please go and warn your mother that if she ever comes back to this hospital and does such things again, I will call the police. The police won't treat her differently whether she is a foreigner or not."

After hearing the doctor's words, George finally believed that it was Donna who had beaten Holley in the hospital.

He responded to the doctor with a cold voice,"Don't you worry, Doc. If my mother really did it, I will make it up for Holley."

After the doctor and the nurse went out of the room, Holley laid on the bed and turned her face to conceal it from George.

George walked towards the bedside and said,"Honey, let me take a look at your face."

"No, George. There's no need for that," answered Holley. She turned and tried to hide her face again. She didn't want George to see her ugly face at that moment. She said with bitterness,"I must be really ugly by now. Don't look at me."

George felt so sad seeing Holley acting that way. He grabbed Holley's hands and said,"Holley, let me have a look. No matter how you look, you are always the most beautiful woman in the world to me."

"George, please don't flatter me with your sweet words," Holley said with a calm voice. "I must look terrible now."

George frowned. Then he held her head and gently turned it to face him. Looking at the scars on her face, he asked,"Tell me. Are these scars really left by my mother?"

"No honey. Don't listen to them," answered Holley. Inside her, Holley was unhappy about his question. 'The reality is already glaring in front of him and yet he still doesn't believe it, ' thought Holley.

'So let it be. Let him see how tolerant and considerate I can be. And he'll feel so guilty after that, ' she thought to herself.

"How could Mrs. Han do such terrible things?" she said tenderly with her head down. "These scars were inflicted by me when I carelessly scratched myself."

George paused and engagingly spoke,"Holley, I know you are just saying this to make me feel better, but I want to know the truth. Did my mother do this to you?"


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