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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 678

Sue immediately agreed when Kitty asked her to go with her. Then she turned to Sheryl and said,"I'm sorry, I can't go with you. Anyway, I don't want to go home yet."

Sue picked up her handbag and ran after Kitty. "Wait for me!"

Sue left Sheryl alone and gripped Kitty's hand. She then asked,"Where are we going?"

"Let's go to the bar!" Kitty answered excitedly. "Sue, you should stay away from her. She is different from us." Kitty made sure that her words were loud enough for Sheryl to hear.

"I know," Sue answered with a smile. Then they delightedly left, hand in hand.

A bitter smile appeared on Sheryl's face as she watched the two receding figures. Sue obviously didn't want to be friends with her anymore.

Sheryl packed all her stuff and got ready to leave. She decided to just take the subway. But when she was outside, she saw Charles at the gate, leaning on his car. She hesitated for a moment before she walked toward him. "Are you waiting for me?" she asked.

"Yes, I am," he answered. Charles opened the door of his car and urged Sheryl,"Get in now. I'll take you home."

"Charles, we are just..." Sheryl frowned. She thought Charles was doing too much.

"Don't worry, I just want to send you home. I have no other intentions. I promise," Charles said with a smile. "The subway station will take fifteen minutes walk from here. I don't think that's a good idea. You must be tired after wearing those high heels for the whole day so I want to offer you a ride. That's all."

Seeing that Sheryl was still in hesitation, he urged again,"Get in the car. Don't be scared. I won't eat you up."

Eventually, Sheryl agreed. Anyway, she already felt really tired.

With the soft music from the car stereo and the slow drive, Sheryl fell into a slumber. She was dead tired. Charles didn't disturb her and only woke her up when they reached her apartment. With a light pat on her shoulder, he said,"We're here."

"Wow, that was so quick!" Sheryl exclaimed in a hoarse voice.

"Quick?" Charles raised an eyebrow. "You have slept for twenty minutes," he added. "Really?" Sheryl was so shocked. She didn't know she slept that long.

Seeing Sheryl's startled look, he teased her more,"You even snored loudly." Sheryl's face immediately turned red in embarrassment so she covered her face with both hands to hide it from Charles.

Charles let out a soft laugh seeing her behavior. Then he said,"I was just kidding. You should go up now. Have a good night."

"Okay, thanks!" Sheryl bid Charles goodbye and went out of the car. When Sheryl stepped out of the elevator, she saw Anthony standing in front of her door. He raised his hand and was about to knock but seemed to have changed his mind.

Sheryl walked towards him and asked,"Why didn't you knock?"

"Sher?" Anthony was stunned. He didn't expect to see Sheryl there. He felt embarrassed that his actions were exposed to Sheryl. He stammered,"I..."

"Just come in," Sheryl interrupted him while opening the door. "You must not have eaten dinner yet. Come and join us for dinner," Sheryl invited. Then she turned to Nancy. "Nancy, please prepare another set of utensils for Anthony."

"Okay," Anthony agreed. Nancy didn't like Anthony at all but she couldn't show it in front of Sheryl.

Anthony felt awkward during the dinner. He tried to say something several times but he couldn't find his voice. He felt uneasy because of Nancy's presence.


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