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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 697

After hearing Kitty's explanation, Shirley turned to Sheryl again and asked, "Sher, I kissed Charlie. So, is he my boyfriend?"

"Shirley, that woman just lied to you." Charlie pulled Shirley's sleeve and took her into Charles' car.

Sheryl then faced Kitty and warned her, "Kitty, I know you don't like me. But we are colleagues after all. I don't think it's appropriate for you to say those words to a child. Don't go that far."

"Did I say anything wrong?" Kitty asked with a sneer. "Since you have done such infamous things, why would you suddenly care on how others judge you?"

Sheryl was rendered speechless because of anger. No matter what she would say, Kitty would never listen to her. So, it would be useless to keep on explaining and defending herself.

Charles cast a glance at Kitty with contemptuous eyes. He was considering on how to teach this woman a lesson to make her realize how inferior she was.

During this event, David came with Alice because he was given the responsibility to take care of the models' seating arrangements. When Sheryl was about to get on the bus, Charles stopped her. "Sheryl, let's take my car to go there."

Charles made it sure that his voice was loud enough to be heard by Kitty. As expected, Kitty's face became distorted upon hearing his words. She sure was very jealous of Sheryl. Obviously, she had carefully dressed up today to catch Charles' attention. Unfortunately, Charles' attention was only focused on Sheryl.

She flashed an annoyed glance at Sheryl as her reverie of being invited by Charles was broken.

"No, thanks," Sheryl rejected and shook her head. "It's okay for me to take the bus," she added.

But Charles didn't want to give in. "Shirley is in my car. If the two kids get too naughty later during the trip, I won't be able to deal with them both," he said.

Charles got Sheryl this time. She couldn't refuse Charles' reason so she got in his car.

It took them two hours before they arrived at the resort. Although it was very hot, they felt cold because of mountains, the trees, and the greens that surrounded them. They were all excited to see the beautiful scenery.

Alice booked seven rooms. She and David would share one room. Charles and Charlie would be in one room as well. The tens models would be in the five remaining rooms so it meant that each room would have two models. However, since Sue didn't come with them, one of them would have to be alone in a room. Kitty was the first to express her desire to be alone. "I'm not used to share a room with other people. Would it be okay if I just stay alone in a room?" she asked the other models.

Without waiting for their answers, Kitty grabbed the room card from Alice and said to them, "I'm going to rest now. You can go on discussing how to arrange the other rooms."

She cast a devious glance at Sheryl before she left. Sheryl instinctively felt something would happen.

After much deliberation, the six model agreed on their partners. Only Sheryl and another model were left. Clearly, the two of them would share a room. However, the model looked displeased with it.

To tell the truth, Sheryl also didn't want to share a room with this model. But she had no other choice.

Upon seeing that Sheryl was in an awkward situation, Charles came to the rescue. He talked to Alice, "I have an idea. You share your room with Sheryl and I will let David stay in our room. Don't worry, our room is bigger than yours so there would be enough space to accommodate three people. Besides, Charlie is just a little boy. He wouldn't need that much space."

Initially, Charles wanted to share a room with Sheryl but he knew she would refuse. That was why he took plan B.

David and Alice agreed to Charles' suggestion immediately. Alice picked up Sheryl's luggage for her. "Let me help you, Miss Xia," she offered with a smile.


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