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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 702

Kitty muttered those words on a challenging tone.

Charles answered with a half smile, "I don't play these kinds of games."

That idea was difficult to swallow for Kitty. She paused for a while, unsure of how to take his refusal. Everyone at the bars he frequented played that game. She had done her homework! So Charles straight out rejecting it was not something she had expected.

"Come on, Mr. Lu. We're here to have fun. If you refuse, we'll have to penalize you," Kitty insisted. She was a bit irritated by that point and was having a hard time hiding that.

"I'd rather accept the penalty," replied Charles nonchalantly, refusing to give in to her whims. It wasn't his intention to be a party pooper, but he was way too familiar with these kinds of mind games.

Kitty had a feeling that Sheryl had something to do with it. So she gave her a dirty look, planning her revenge.

In the meantime, she had to deal with Charles. To make him feel the burn of his punishment, she had someone bring a bottle of vodka mixed with paint thinner. The concoction could make one extremely sick, especially if taken after other drinks. Kitty presented it to Charles in a blackmailing manner. "Well, if you continue refusing to participate and, therefore, dampen the mood of the party, you have to drink this. I like to call it the 'death trap'; it's 50% alcohol, and another 50% of... that chemical they use in paint. Can't remember the name right now, but anyway... you should think twice before making a decision."

"I don't need to think at all. Let's get it over with," Charles declared. He opened the bottle right away. Annoyed, Kitty wished him a "bottoms up" right before he poured the whole thing down his throat. With a sarcastic tone, he then asked her, "Have I paid my dues now?"

Everyone at the party was silent. Charles' stubbornness made them quite suspicious. Noticing their looks, he responded with a harsh glance adding, "All right! We have had enough fun for tonight. Party's over! Now let's all get back to sleep. Tomorrow we're coming back to work after lunch."

Kitty, however, didn't care about his announcement. She had more reasons to rejoice, especially after seeing Charles drink that entire bottle. It was then time to take care of Sheryl, who just happened to be facing the pool and daydreaming. With quick feet, she took the chance and knocked her into it when nobody was looking.

Hearing the splash, Charles instantly looked back and saw Sheryl as she was falling into the water. Reflexively, he jumped right in after her.

He remembered Sheryl couldn't swim before she even began crying for help.

Her struggle led her to swallow too much water, both through her mouth and her nose.

The lack of air was slowly suffocating her.

But she was a fighter; she kept thinking of how to stay alive.

Through her coughs, tears, and hands splashing the waves, she could feel her body getting weaker, her energy getting lower.

Sheryl was on the verge of seeing death with her own eyes.

She desperately hoped that she could grab onto something that could help her stay afloat: a bar, a stair, anything. As the time lapsed, she felt the rest of her memory getting devoured by the water and her consciousness gradually disappearing like the mist under the sun.

Then a strong arm grabbed her by the hips, lifting her to the surface. She could breathe again. Her body responded by violently coughing out all the water.

Through the madness, she could hear Charles' soft but reassuring voice.


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