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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 708

As soon as she wanted to say something, Anthony, who was standing on the side, opened the door. Sheryl was standing at the door. She did not show any surprise or dismay on seeing Anthony in the house.

"Oh, it's Sheryl. Come in," said Sue immediately putting on a smiling face. Sheryl came in but still stood near the door. Sue demanded, "Why have you suddenly come here?"

Sue and Sheryl were not getting along too well these days. Sue wondered why Sheryl had suddenly come over. She thought that Sheryl was not surprised to see Anthony there, indicating that she knew Anthony was there. She told herself that Sheryl had deliberately come to confirm herself of his presence.

"Oh… Anthony, you are also here," Sheryl said. Sheryl glanced at him indifferently. She spoke in a calm voice, as if it were very normal for him to be there.

As his girlfriend, Sheryl didn't think about questioning him about this.

"Come in." Anthony made way to let her in. He asked her, "Have you eaten yet? Do you want to eat something if you are hungry? Join us at the table."

"No, thanks," said Sheryl. She turned to Sue and said, "Yesterday you didn't come to the farm, so Mr. Lu asked me to bring you some fresh fruits and vegetables."

"Really? I can't believe Mr. Lu would be so considerate as to think about me. Thank him so much on my behalf." Sue smiled faintly and said, "Have a seat, Sheryl. My foot was injured, so I can't move around too much to fetch some refreshments for you. Please feel at home."

Sue mentioned her foot deliberately so that Sheryl would notice it. On seeing her swollen ankle, Sheryl frowned a bit and said, "No wonder you didn't come to the farm. How did you sprain your foot so badly? It looks serious."

"It's all right now." Sue smiled as she talked to her, "My doctor said that it's not a big deal. If I rest for two more days I will recover and be fine."

"That's good to know." Sheryl nodded slightly. Seeing that they were eating, she said, "Well then, I should go now. I do not want to interrupt your meal."

"Sheryl…" On seeing Anthony just standing there and saying nothing, Sue said to Sheryl, "Anthony came over because my foot was injured. He was afraid that I wouldn't be able to take care of myself…"

"It's OK. I can rest peacefully knowing that he is here to take care of you. Please continue with your meal. I'm leaving." Sheryl smiled.

Sheryl didn't know her own mind. Before she came here, she had thought that she would ask Anthony what he had in mind about their relationship.

However, on reaching Sue's house, she saw them sitting at the same table and having a meal just like husband and wife. Suddenly she found herself a fifth wheel in their presence. She just wanted to leave quickly from Sue's house as it made her feel depressed.

"Sheryl! Stop and listen to me. Sheryl!" Sue tried to stop her and explain things to her. However, the more Sue asked Sheryl to stop, the faster she walked away.

Sue stared at Anthony and said, "Why are you still sitting here? Hurry up and chase her. Explain everything to her."

Anthony hesitated for a long time. Finally, he ran behind Sheryl and caught up with her. He grabbed her wrist and asked, "Are you angry?"


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