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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 716

Sheryl was taken aback by Laura's sudden appearance and snarky remarks. Her mind suddenly went blank. She was glued to the spot. It made Charles' heart ache to see Sheryl suffer. He gathered her into his arms in the twinkling of an eye to protect her. His only focus was to shield Sheryl at that time. He accidentally brushed against Laura while moving towards Sheryl. Also as Laura had slapped Sheryl with too much force, she lost her own balance and fell down.

"Oh my God..." Laura howled in pain in an exaggerated way to draw Anthony's attention. When he saw his mother on the floor, Anthony rushed forward to help her to her feet. Though Sheryl was also slapped hard on the face, he was more concerned about Laura's health. Laura had high blood pressure and a tumble like this could threaten her life. Anthony chose to help Laura at that moment.

"Are you all right, Mom?" Anthony asked in a worried voice as he helped Laura stand on her feet.

Meanwhile, Charles held Sheryl protectively in his arms. Charles gazed at her red and swollen face and asked lovingly and tenderly, "Does it hurt very badly, Sheryl?"

"It's fine, not too bad." Sheryl shook her head slightly. She had been through a very rough day. She had too much on her plate and she was unable to think straight at the moment. Everything that happened today went against her wishes.

After she regained her balance, Laura shot a venomous look at Sheryl. Then she took Anthony's hand and complained at the top of her voice, "Son, do you really want to marry this woman? You are truly blinded by love. She has a daughter out of wedlock. Even worse than that, she flirts with other men. Now one of her lovers even dared to push me. Did you see that? Just remember, you can only marry her over my dead body."

Laura's angry words caught people's attention. A large crowd gathered around to see what was going on. Although they didn't know the actual story, they put two and two together and made five. They assumed that Sheryl was promiscuous. They pointed at her with one hand and whispered comments about her behind the other. They murmured she was a shameless temptress. Their words were so shaming that Sheryl couldn't bear them any more.

Her face turned crimson and her head was filled with the hum of people's voices. Charles put his hands over her ears to block out the sound after he noticed her stupefied expression. He said gently to her, "Ignore them."

Although she couldn't make out what Charles said, she was comforted by his act. She looked up at his face and felt emboldened all of a sudden. She pleaded in an undertone, "Charles, please take me away from this hellhole."

She didn't want to stay here any longer. Everything about the present situation was driving her crazy. Her head was within an inch of exploding.

"You got it. Let's leave." Charles nodded his approval. Then he immediately held her hand and tried to leave.

Laura clicked her tongue in contempt and stopped Sheryl. She deliberately raised her voice for everyone to hear, "Are you trying to run away? Too ashamed to stay, huh? I warn you, if you step out of this restaurant, do not come and bother Anthony any more. A woman of easy virtue like you can never become my daughter-in-law."

"Mom, what are you talking about..." Assured that Laura was all right and back to her authoritative self, Anthony shifted his attention to Sheryl. He wanted to move forward and ask how was her face. But he saw her standing close to Charles and holding his hands tightly. Judging from that, he knew her choice between him and Charles was crystal clear. His heart sank.

Anthony smiled bitterly. Despite all his efforts to take Sheryl to the US to have her all to himself, she eventually united with Charles.

"Sheryl, so is this your decision? You choose Charles? Are you sure?" Although he had already known the answer by lunchtime, Anthony asked in a last-ditch attempt to make her stay. He felt a lump in his throat, but he managed to sound normal.


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