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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 722

Anthony kept teasing Junia all the way down, making her so annoyed she couldn't help fantasizing about strangling him and impatient for them to reach their destination.

After going down from Southern City Mountain, Anthony took Junia and Laura to visit the grotto. After a scrumptious dinner, Laura excused herself, saying she was tired and wanted to get some rest. In reality, she just wanted to give the two of them the opportunity to spend some time alone.

The chemistry between Anthony and Junia was undeniable, so she decided it was time to take her leave.

"Let me give you a ride, Mom." Anthony got up and rushed to his mother's side.

"It's okay darling, don't worry about me," Laura quickly interrupted. "The hotel isn't far from me, I could use a walk for some fresh air."

She smiled and continued, "I'm not as energetic as you youngsters. Give Junia a nice tour around town and make sure she gets home safe. Okay?"

"Aunt Laura, don't worry about me." Although Laura had told Junia about her plan in advance, she still didn't feel good about it. She continued, "I don't feel like going anywhere else this evening. I saw a cinema on the way here, so perhaps I'll go and catch a movie. Anthony can send you back, I'll be fine on my own."

"No, no, there's no need." Laura glanced at Anthony and said, "Actually, going to the cinema sounds like a good idea. Anthony, why don't you join her for a movie?"

"No really, it's fine," Junia protested with a shy smile. "I prefer to go alone."

Anthony remembered his previous mistake and decided to watch a movie with her to make up for it, an apology through actions. He told Laura, "Mom, please take care. I'll go catch a movie with Junia. Call me when you've reached the room safely, okay?"

Junia's and Laura's faces both lit up with happy smiles when they heard Anthony's words.

At the cinema, Anthony asked Junia which move she wanted to watch. Junia picked a romanic movie and Anthony offered to buy the tickets.

Before he could even turn around to join the ticket queue, Junia grabbed Anthony's arm. "Will you... Are you planning to... leave me alone like last time? If you are, please just tell me now, I really don't mind watching alone."

"Junia, I told you that was a mistake I will never repeat again and I meant it. Will you please let it go?" He added, "Don't worry, this time I'll buy two adjacent seats."

Junia smiled and replied, "That would be great."

"Can they be in adjacent rows instead of side by side?" Anthony asked half-jokingly.

"Just go and get the tickets!" Junia exclaimed, making Anthony burst into laughter.

Anthony couldn't focus on the movie. Although he maintained a nonchalant exterior, he actually couldn't stop thinking about his affair with Sheryl.

The movie finally ended at 10 o' clock. After dropping Junia off at the hotel, he headed straight for Sheryl's house.

He didn't know why, but for some reason just staying outside Sheryl's building gave him a surprising sense of ease.

It was now almost 11 o' clock. Anthony looked up and saw that the light in Sheryl's room was already off. He wanted to go up and talk to her so badly but just didn't have the courage to. Not wanting to go back yet, he lit up a cigarette, trying to exhale away the unexpected yearning in his heart.

Just as he was putting out the cigarette and getting ready to leave, he caught sight of Sue hobbling out of the building.

With Laura in town, he had totally forgotten all about Sue. Watching her limp away, he quickly opened his car door and got out.

Sue didn't notice Anthony approaching. She was more focused on her movements. She knew that if she slipped and fell, she could become a cripple for life.


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