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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 724

"Miss Ye!" With more than a subtle hint of guilt, while trying to sound as convincing as she could, Sue interrupted Holley before she could continue speaking. "I do not see any reason that you would have to even ask me that question. Like I said, Anthony and I are just friends."

Feeling her patience began to fade, Holley continued, "Sue, who do you think you're kidding?! You really can't continue telling that lie. I mean you can try to tell other people that crap, but you have to at least be honest with yourself!" Awaiting her response, Holley glanced expectantly at Sue, before she continued speaking. "Listen, I know very well that you expected Anthony to arrive in stead of me. The moment you saw me, you became really disappointed, right?"

With a look of shock, Sue let out a cold smile and snapped, "Not even close to being believable! Oh, my goodness! Definitely not!" Sue glanced at Holley and it could clearly be seen that as much as she tried to hide it, she was very excited. So to continue to redirect the conversation she was trying to avoid, she said, "Now, the fact that you decided to grace me with your presence is what comes as a pleasant surprise to me."

However, with all the lengths she was going to avoid the obvious, Holley could see very clearly that Sue was dancing around the matter at hand. Especially, when over on one side of the room, she saw the pair of slippers that were obviously reserved for a man.

Thus, Sue was rendered speechless and had to admit her questionable relationship with Anthony, as the pair of slippers marked a clear romantic connection between the two of them.

Sue therefore reluctantly acknowledged her partiality toward Anthony.

And she forced a smile at the reality of Anthony's preference to Sheryl, who was living opposite to her house.

At that moment, Holley's face lit up and she said, "Oh! That's exactly why I came by to talk to you."

Sue was a bit confused by Holley's sudden excitement. "What? I am sure I don't know what you are talking about" Sue wasn't sure what exactly she could have meant.

Barely able to contain her excitement, Holley, as if she had a secret she couldn't wait to tell, said, "Do you not see that a once in a lifetime, an opportunity is unfolding right before your very eyes?!"

Looking a bit dumbfounded, Sue said, "Miss Ye, now I am totally confused!" Sue furrowed her brow and turned up her mouth as if to say "Huh"? Holley's words perplexed her and she was wondering where she was going with this.

Seeing that her words were leaving more questions than answers for Sue, Holley suggested explicitly that Sue should take complete advantage of Anthony's frustration over the illicit relationship between Sheryl and Charles to win Anthony over.

"Now that is completely out of the question!" Sue said decidedly, "Miss Ye, I have to admit that, yes, there is something romantic between Sheryl and Charles, but by no means would that make Sheryl be considered a fence-sitter. Moreover, Anthony has not yet confirmed Sheryl's betrayal. It is nothing but a rumor, I suppose."

Holley therefore criticized Sue for her childish innocence and naivete that was proving to be extremely counterproductive.

Holley glanced at Sue meaningfully and said calmly and gently, "During your time of recuperation, something drastic happened. Do you still remember the encounter of the mountain resort?"

"Yes, I do remember that." Sue nodded gently. She had injured her ankle on the previous night when they were about to go to the mountain resort. The still fresh ache of her ankle made her stop for a moment.


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