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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 736

Charles carefully carried Shirley to the bedroom and tucked her under the quilt. He walked out and closed the door gently when he made sure she had finally slept soundly.

"She just fell asleep. Don't wake her up," Charles reminded Sheryl.

"Where are we going?" Sheryl asked him. Charles didn't answer her question. He saw Nancy came back. Then he decided to take Sheryl out. He bought a bunch of Chrysanthemums on their way.

Sheryl suddenly realized where he would be taking her.

The destination was exactly the same as her guess.

"We are here," Charles said. Charles lovingly glanced at Sheryl before he got off the car and opened the door for her.

After getting out of the car, somehow, Sheryl couldn't move and just stood there, frozen. Charles grabbed her hand and found it was dead cold.

He embraced and consoled her, "Don't be afraid. I will be with you."

Sheryl wasn't afraid to come to Emily's tomb but she felt guilty. She took that medicine to forget everything partly because Charles had cheated her on Emily's issue.

She didn't come here to say goodbye to her when she died. In the past three years, she hadn't come to visit her either. She was worried whether Emily would blame her in heaven.

"Let's go," Charles suggested. He grasped her hand. He knew that the matter about Emily remained a burden on Sheryl's heart. So, he took her there that day to clearly explain things to her.

Obviously, Charles was very familiar with the place. He found Emily's tomb quite easily. At the sight of Emily's smiling face in the photo, Sheryl couldn't help but burst into tears.

Charles stood beside her, silently. When she stopped crying, he hugged her and said to the tomb, "Grandma Emily, I have brought Autumn back."

Sheryl kept on apologizing to Emily, totally ignoring to ask Charles why he knew her memory had recovered.

Charles put the flower aside and walked up to her. "I had no intention to cheat you on purpose. I didn't tell you the truth about Grandma Emily's death simply because of... I didn't want you to be bothered by her death. I decided to do that after a discussion with Grandpa. I believed Grandma Emily would agree if she knew my purpose," he explained.

He looked at Sheryl and added, "You and our babies were more important than everything back then. If I had a chance to go back, I would have made the same decision."

"I perfectly understand," Sheryl said. Sheryl calmed down gradually. She believed she would have done the same thing as Charles if she were him in that situation. "I don't blame you. It's not your fault," she added.

"No, you did blame me." Charles glanced at her and added, "Otherwise, you wouldn't have left me for three years or taken that medicine to forget everything."

"I was just..." Sheryl frowned and stammered, "I was driven by... by the medicine to treat my mental disease. I couldn't make the right judgment then."

"So do you mean... if you had been sober then, you wouldn't have left me, right?" Charles asked Sheryl excitedly while holding her hands.

Sheryl hesitated for a moment and replied, "At least, I wouldn't have made a decision without careful consideration."

"Do you mean it?" Charles hugged Sheryl in happiness. "You have come back now and will never leave me, right?"

"I don't know..." she answered hesitantly. She pushed him aside and said, "Charles, many things have changed in the past three years. I was Anthony's girlfriend during that period. So... Don't you mind it?"


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