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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 741

Leila arched her eyebrows. After a long pause, she said to Charles, "Do you think I wanted to do this? I was left with no choice because of you."

"Because of me?" Charles asked in puzzlement.

"Charlie is my son. He has been with me since the day he was born. But you took him away from me and forbade me to see him again. Today I just wanted to see him but was forced to do it in secrecy. So is there anything wrong in this?" Leila inquired angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Charles sneered, "I have never forbidden you to see him."

Charles cast a contemptuous glance at Leila and added, "If you want to meet him, you could have just gone to my house. Why did you follow him secretly? Obviously, your intentions are questionable."

"You won't understand." Leila smiled coldly and said, "You are now with that woman, and Charlie has been completely brainwashed. He refuses to meet me now. What could I do in such circumstances?"

"Don't lie to me," Charles sneered. "No matter who Charlie lives with, you should not follow him secretly. If you dare do that again, I will not spare you."

Charles left immediately after issuing the threat to Leila. He was worried about Sheryl and went back to accompany her.

Looking at Charles' receding figure, Leila felt very jealous of Sheryl. 'Why is that bitch so lucky? She gets everything I desire. I have followed the boy for several days but to no avail. I should take more drastic action now!

I must let that bitch feel the pain of losing her family and loved ones, ' she swore to herself.

A devious smile played on Leila's face.

Sheryl and Charlie were with Shirley when Charles came back. Sheryl was unable to cheer Shirley up despite all her efforts. Only when Charlie talked to her, she would sometimes raise her head and smile.

"What should I do?" Sheryl helplessly asked Charles on seeing Shirley's listless condition. Sheryl couldn't help herself and burst into tears in Charles' arms.

"Don't worry," Charles consoled her. Then he added, "The doctor said autism is not a serious disease. I will find the best psychologist for Shirley. I promise you she will be cured soon."

"Really? Do you really mean that?" Sheryl asked Charles tearfully.

"Yes!" he promised confidently. He lovingly glanced at Sheryl and found her more reassured. He felt pleased that she trusted him.

He hesitated and then said, "But Sher, you must tell me what happened to Shirley. What has triggered this in her?"

Sheryl didn't reply immediately. She hesitated for a long time with a painful expression on her face. "Is there a problem?" Charles asked as he saw Sheryl's expression.

"No, no. It's just..." she stammered. She didn't know where to begin and how to find the right words.

"Sher." Charles hugged her and said, "I hope I can be the person you trust most. No matter what has happened you can tell it to me without hesitation. You know I will always be by your side and support you."


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