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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 745

"I will stay here. Charlie is very young and staying up late is bad for his health. You take him home and be with him," Sheryl looked at Charles and said. "It's okay. I can take care of Shirley on my own for a few hours," she added.

"Sheryl, why do you always undertake to do the jobs that belong to men? Why do you ignore me?" Charles looked into Sheryl's eyes and said, "I am Shirley's father. I think I should stay with her tonight instead of you."

"I..." Sheryl smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't mean that. I just thought..."

"I understand. I know what you meant," he interrupted. Charles walked up and hugged her gently. "I know you worry too much about Shirley. But I have promised you to do my best and hire the best doctors to cure her. Please trust me."

He heaved a deep sigh and said, "You go home with Charlie and I will stay here tonight. You are tired out and I will manage better if there is any emergency in the night. I will rest tomorrow morning when you come back. Just do as I say please."

"But..." Sheryl wanted to refuse but Charles did not give her a chance. "Sher, listen to me and obey me. This is an order so do not argue," he commanded.

Sheryl went home with Charlie on Charles' insistence. Nancy had prepared a nice dinner for them. Both of them had no appetite, however, and did not want to eat anything. Charlie just asked for a glass of milk and Sheryl had a bit of hot soup.

Nancy asked Sheryl about Shirley's condition cautiously. Her eyes got wet on hearing Sheryl's narration about her situation. She felt guilty and apologized to Sheryl, "It was all my fault. If I had noticed that Shirley was out of her room and standing at the door, maybe she would have been fine today and not in the hospital like this."

"Nancy, it is not your fault, really. I should have also realized that she was out of bed." Sheryl smiled bitterly. She knew clearly that Nancy could not be blamed for this.

So she consoled Nancy and then took Charlie to Shirley's bedroom. "Charlie, you can sleep in Shirley's room tonight. You will like her bed. It is very comfortable and you can play with her toys if you wish."

"Okay." Charlie nodded his approval. When Sheryl was about to leave, he grasped Sheryl's hand. He said timidly, "Can you... sleep with me? I want you to be with me."

Charlie didn't know why he made this request. When he had lived with Leila, he had always refused to sleep with her, though she had sometimes wanted to cuddle him. He had just wanted to keep away from her as much as possible.

So he had believed it was his nature to be a loner. But on coming to know Sheryl, Shirley and Charles, he realized he liked to be with them.

Surprised, Sheryl looked at Charlie. She always thought of Charlie as an independent and self possessed boy, totally different from Shirley.

"What... did you say?" she asked in surprise.

"Nothing. Good night." Charlie blushed and tried to dodge her question.

Sheryl smiled. She didn't leave but stayed and slept with Charlie. She knew she would not be able to fall asleep in her own desolate room, so staying with Charlie was a good choice.

She couldn't see Charlie's expression in dark as she asked him, "Do you miss your mom? She must also be missing you."

"No, I don't. Not even a little." Charlie shook his head. He wanted to tell her he doubted Leila was his mother. He controlled himself. He just said to Sheryl, "I don't like her."

"Charlie, why not? How can you not like your own mother?" Sheryl asked in puzzlement. As far as she knew, there were hardly any children who didn't like their moms. Charlie's words surprised her.

"I don't know either," Charlie replied with a frown. Then he said to Sheryl, "Anyway, I think she is different from other mothers. Other mothers always care about every detail with regard to their children like food and clothes. They fuss over them when they fall sick, but she..."

Charlie paused and then added, "What she cared about was to make use of me to get to dad. She reminded me everyday that I should be good and quiet to make everyone happy and to win his heart. So I don't like her."


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