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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 751

"No!" Laura aggressively told Junia, "No matter how old he is, in my eyes, he will always be my son. His future is my responsibility and I can't watch him waste his life with such a woman. Absolutely not!"

Then, from the corner of her eye, Laura caught a glimpse of Sheryl coming in with Shirley. She rushed straight up to her and began accusing, "Sheryl Xia, you leech! Tell me! Where are you hiding my son?"

Shirley got scared at the sight of the angry woman and hid behind Sheryl. Seeing this, Sheryl clenched her fists with anger trying to control herself.

She then crouched down, holding Shirley in her arms tightly and comforting her with a soft voice, "Don't be afraid, Shirley. You're safe; mommy is here..."

Even so, the little girl was still shaking with fear.

Seeing her daughter so terrified, Sheryl almost yelled back at Laura but then bit her tongue just in time, thinking it would only scare Shirley even more.

Hiding Shirley behind her back, Sheryl addressed Laura, "I haven't hidden your son anywhere. I've already said that he and I have nothing to talk about. Please don't bother us any longer. I want nothing to do with you nor your son."

"Don't play dumb with me!" shouted Laura. With a sneer, she continued, "Anthony wouldn't just disappear like that. You're keeping him away from me."

Convinced of her deduction, she inched closer to Sheryl and went on, "You have no shame. You act as if you're separated from Anthony when, in fact, you're just trying to get rid of me. I am his mother; you have to tell me where Anthony is!"

"I already told you that I don't know where Anthony is!" Sheryl exclaimed in frustration. She didn't really care whether Laura believed her or not. She just wanted to be left in peace. She also didn't care where Anthony was either. Shirley was her only concern at that time.

Laura was scaring her and Sheryl couldn't stand seeing her daughter like that.

Eventually, she decided to hold Shirley in her arms and leave. However, Laura prompted her body in front of the elevator and would not let them pass. Annoyed, Sheryl asserted with a stern face, "Excuse me!"

Her expression alarmed Junia, who immediately tried to plead with Laura, "Forget about it, Aunt Laura. I don't think Miss Xia knows where Anthony is. You ran into her by accident and she was alone. So let them go please."

But Laura wouldn't budge. She began shouting, "They may not be together now, but this bitch knows the whereabouts of my Anthony. Besides, his car is still outside; so he is definitely at her house."

"Don't push me," stated Sheryl firmly. Her patience was running really low. She stared right at Laura reiterated, "As I said, I have no idea where he is. If you don't let us go, I will call the police."

"Fine, call the police!" Laura insisted. Waving her hands through the air frantically, she added, "Call quickly! When the police get here, I will tell them that you are hiding my son and ask them to arrest you. Shameless bitch!"

"You!!!" Sheryl said stepping toward Laura. Their faces were just inches apart. In spite of her anger, she eventually contained herself and turned away.

She was worried about Shirley and decided to simply ask Laura, "What do you want in order to let us go?"

"Very simple, give me my son!" she answered. Sheryl rolled her eyes and began pacing frustratingly. Seeing her, Laura commented, "I do not believe any of your words. You have to sign a written declaration that you have not and will not have any contact with Anthony anymore. In addition, you must verbally break up with Anthony in front of me. Understand?"


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